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  1. Thanks for the reply. I'm sorry, maybe I"m confused but this script seems to be downloading orangepi-5plus_UEFI_Release_v0.12.img to a disk. I already have the uefi .img written to spinor and am booting into it. I'm prolly getting this all ass-backwards but I thought I could dl one of the armbian versions from https://www.armbian.com/uefi-arm64/ and use etcher to write to a nvme and boot up. It sounded simple, prolly too simple, but I thought that would work. (NOT)
  2. This is a new release of the uefi firmware for Orange Pi 5 Plus which now has mainline kernel support. My thought was that this new release would support armbian uefi builds but so far no love. Does anyone know of an armbian build that would work with this??? The is the one of the tag lines from readme.md found @ https://github.com/edk2-porting/edk2-rk3588 "It delivers a PC-like standardized boot experience, supporting multiple operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, BSD and VMware ESXi."
  3. @Igor, I've read several of your posts concerning uefi and Armbian. I have an opi5+ and would like to find a way to install a current version of armbian arm64. I'm using orangepi-5plus_UEFI_Release_v0.11.2.img and have already enable configuration menu -> ACPI / Device Tree and setting Config Table Mode to Device Tree but by default, the firmware installs a DTB compatible with (most) Rockchip SDK Linux 5.10 legacy kernel variants. Is there a guide on how to install/use dtb for a more current kernal and a uefi armbian image to go along with it? Thanks in advance.
  4. Good Morning I presently have loader - rk3588_spl_loader_v1.15.113.bin and uefi - orangepi-5plus_UEFI_Release_v0.11.2.img installed on my opi5+. I have Win11 arm64 installed on a nvme 1tb ssd. I also have a 64gb emmc chip installed giving me effectively 2 disk drives that are recognized by the uefi bios. What I'm hoping for is a linux based OS that can be installed to my emmc via a bootable sdcard or usb drive much like you would on a PC. This would allow me to power up opi5+ hit ESC key to enter bios select the desired drive, be it linux or Win11, and boot. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. but if you have a link to linux based .img file, even better!
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