Since this is an old thread and I spent way too much time trying to get an OS working on the Jetson Nano, here's a bit of info on what worked and didn't work. For brevity, I'll just list the things I struggled with.
I'm currently running the v24.11 rolling Armbian Linux 6.6.51-current-arm64 version on the Jetson Nano which is booting from an SSD.
HDMI & Displayport output do not work. Keep this in mind, I used a serial connection with a TTL to USB adapter to setup the Jetson Nano.
To get WiFi working: (I tried network manager, wpa_supplicant, etc, none of it worked)
sudo nmcli device wifi connect “mySSID” password “myPassword”
To boot from a USB device, flash the image with BalenaEtcher, etc and then edit the following file:
Add the following and change the PARTUUID to the one from your storage device. (Run sudo blkid to get the PARTUUID)
rootfstype=ext4 usbstoragequirks=0x2537:0x1066:u,0x2537:0x1068:u
So it's still possible to run the current OS on the jetson, as long as no graphical output is needed.