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Hello everyone! After swiched to a bigger minipc server i want to come back my 2 transpeed h618 to their original firmwares but... its imposible to me install the original image. I tried with every program connecting by usb cable and trying to boot from sdcards but after armbian installation nothing works. phoenisUSBpro keeps in that stage when i connect the box with the av button pushed. and if i press "stop" the "device connecting" alertbox appears. and never connects. I remember to install before this images with the same program but now nothing works. Any tip? thanks
@dale i saw in the source of OpenVFDService the is already a pipe from a file like i want (like my vft.txt) but not working for me , thats why i made my own service.
@dale yes, but is so personal for my needs. maybe its a little confusing to adapt to your needs. anyway i post it i use /tmp/vfd.txt like a bridge bewting app for use the display. so i can send text from any other script i load. in this scrpit im waiting for a keypress (remote) to increase or decrease the brightness, its so dirty i know but i was made as i needed so ugly. import re import os import time import subprocess import psutil import threading import keyboard from animaciones import * texto = "" last_short_txt = "@@" max_caracteres = 4 velocidad = 0.2 tiempo_ultimo_texto = int(time.time()) f = "/tmp/vfd.txt" vueltas = 1 brillo = "0" brillo_standby = "0" brillo_actual = "8" def escribe(t): with open("/tmp/vfd.txt", 'w') as file: file.write(t) def on_function_key(event): if event.name.startswith('f') or event.name == "[" or event.name == "]" : e = event.name escribe("**"+e) def listen_key(): keyboard.on_press(on_function_key) # Mantiene el script en ejecución keyboard.wait('esc') # Puedes salir presionando Esc hilo = threading.Thread(target=listen_key) hilo.start() print("Experando contenido en",f,"para mostrar en el display") def read_file(filename = f): if not os.path.isfile(filename): return "" with open(filename, 'r') as f: texto = re.sub(r'(\r\n|\n|\r)', '', f.read()).strip() if texto == "" : texto = " " os.remove(filename) print(texto) return texto def cerrar_proceso(nombre): """Cierra el proceso dado su nombre.""" for proc in psutil.process_iter(['name']): if proc.info['name'] == nombre: proc.terminate() # Termina el proceso proc.wait() # Espera a que el proceso termine def pinta(texto_a_enviar): global brillo_actual cerrar_proceso("OpenVFDService") if brillo != brillo_actual: brillo_actual = brillo proceso = subprocess.Popen(['OpenVFDService', '-s', texto_a_enviar,'-b',brillo]) else: proceso = subprocess.Popen(['OpenVFDService', '-s', texto_a_enviar]) while True: time.sleep(1) newtext = read_file() if newtext != "" : if(newtext[:2] == "**"): if(newtext == "**]"): if int(brillo_standby) < 7: brillo = brillo_standby = str(int(brillo_standby) + 1) if(newtext == "**["): if int(brillo_standby) > 0: brillo = brillo_standby = str(int(brillo_standby) - 1) texto = "c "+ brillo_standby +"}" tiempo_ultimo_texto -= 10 vueltas = 1 elif(newtext[:2] == "##"): ramdom_combo(int(newtext[2:4])) else: texto = newtext tiempo_ultimo_texto = int(time.time()) + 60 brillo = "7" else: if tiempo_ultimo_texto + 5 < int(time.time()): tiempo_ultimo_texto = int(time.time()) texto =f' {round(psutil.cpu_percent()):02}' brillo = brillo_standby if vueltas % 10 == 0:ramdom_combo() vueltas += 1 if texto != "": if len(texto) > max_caracteres: texto_completo = " "*max_caracteres + texto + " "*max_caracteres longitud_texto = len(texto_completo) for i in range(longitud_texto - max_caracteres + 1): texto_a_enviar = texto_completo[i:i + max_caracteres] pinta(texto_a_enviar) time.sleep(velocidad) else: if last_short_txt == texto: continue last_short_txt = texto pinta(texto)
@dale its shared on this topic. but you have previously the openvfd working. read this two posts:
@Energokom Totally agreed. I came from raspberrypi and orangepi world, i have severals arduinos, esp32 etc. but now i only need a cheap tvbox with beautifull box and little display who tells me whats happening without ask. And some people says there is no support? what a better support than a comunity who helps eachother. Thanks @mmie4jbcu for your help.
@maka i found it here Now If you are a word man do your work.
@Hqnicolas very thanks for your help. Anyway im so happy with my 25€ expense. It comes with 4g of ddr4. rk3566 , Gigabyte Lan, Dual wifi, 64gb emmc, display, usb3 port, and including a beautiful box, remote and power suply. How much cost the same from a partner board?
@firepower thanks for the xtal annotation. I try to learn.
@firepower is this the xtal that has 37.400 writen? can you add a picture of it?
@firepower i did that and not works. Keeps in the android logo
thanks @L Jumadi i will give a try when i can. btw i attach a benchmark to the transpeed 4g-64 h618 for archive purpose
Hello. I recently adquired a RUPA 8g 64g rk3566 which is a clone of x88 pro 20. I ve installed the image i found in t95plus page and copied the dts file from @mmie4jbcu and installed the linux-image-edge-rockchip64 who @FuSan found, but allwais recognice 4 gigas of ram and not the 8gb what supose to have. After some differents tries i opened the box to see what kind of chips are in... There are only one chip for memory and one for emmc, the name of mem chip is D9WLV which correspond to MT53E2G32D8QD-046 I found in that page and in other sales pages what that chip is 8gb. So at the beggining i was thinking this memory its a fake but now im not sure. And when o boot from android and run aida64 it show me 8gb of ram. But only 2gb of Free mem which is suspicious. this is only for remembering purposes a benchmark to this device booting from sd:
@rafman can you share your /etc/bluetooth/main.conf?. Please
I tried. All the ways. I tried too with 4 o 5 diferent fw taken from diferentes forums. Nothing.
I tried all. No works on mine. I think is for the diff on kernel