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    MMorales got a reaction from CaoSaMac in How to install armbian in h618?   
    i made a little python script for scrolling text.

    import psutil texto = """THIS IS A VERY LARGE TEXT FOR TESTING SCROLL SCREEN. 0123456789""" max_caracteres = 4 texto_completo = " "*max_caracteres + texto + " "*max_caracteres velocidad = 0.2 longitud_texto = len(texto_completo) def cerrar_proceso(nombre): """Cierra el proceso dado su nombre.""" for proc in psutil.process_iter(['name']): if proc.info['name'] == nombre: proc.terminate() # Termina el proceso proc.wait() # Espera a que el proceso termine while True: for i in range(longitud_texto - max_caracteres + 1): texto_a_enviar = texto_completo[i:i + max_caracteres] cerrar_proceso("OpenVFDService.exe" if os.name == 'nt' else "OpenVFDService") proceso = subprocess.Popen(['OpenVFDService', '-s', texto_a_enviar]) time.sleep(velocidad)  
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    MMorales got a reaction from firepower in How to install armbian in h618?   
    Tested in Transpeed 8k H618 4g 64g & Vontar 6k h618  4g 32g

    @Nick A As we talk, here are the final "howto" to make it working leds display with openvfd. If you find any problem tell me.
    First go to armbian-config to change some kernel with has his own headers available like 6.10.9 (i had problem with rebooting with 6.7.12) configure an internet connection unpack the attached file to root dir / cd /linux_openvfd cp openvfd.dts /boot/dtb/allwinner/overlay/ armbian-add-overlay /boot/dtb/allwinner/overlay/openvfd.dts reboot ln -sf /boot/System.map-$(uname -r) /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/System.map cd cd /linux_openvfd/driver make -j 4 depmod -a make modules_install modprobe openvfd cd .. chmod +x OpenVFDService cp OpenVFDService /usr/sbin/ cp openvfd.service /etc/systemd/system/openvfd.service #apt install python3-psutil systemctl enable openvfd.service systemctl start openvfd.service After this, openvfd is working but if you want my scroll.py as a service uncomment in openvfd.service and comment the existing one. #ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '[ `cat /proc/device-tree/openvfd/compatible` = "open,vfd" ] && /sbin/modprobe openvfd; python3 /linux_openvfd/scroll.py'  
    Correct openvfd.dts, some compiling fixes and extra glyphs for cool animations added to this file. 
    @Nick A Please let me know if you make a new release with kernel 6.9.12 with this working cos now i made my server but no hdmi and no ethernet in 6.10. 
  3. Like
    MMorales reacted to Energokom in RK3566 and Armbian   
    Therefore, if you do not need GPIOs, it is better to buy a mini PC than an SBC. People buy TV boxes for Linux precisely because of the cheapness. Few people need SBCs. Most people need a small device in a box for a minimal price. Why buy a banana pi M5 pro for $ 195, which will stop support in a few years, when you can buy x86 mini PC with this money and not know the problems with support?
    Can you name the reasons why it is worth buying an SBC instead of a mini PC?
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    MMorales reacted to mmie4jbcu in RK3566 and Armbian   
    @Hqnicolas Take a chill pill dude. I am not trying to prove/disprove anything.
    I am simply suggesting that the board may indeed be of 8/64 config. Sometimes, due to screwed up u-boot, not all the RAM is reported correctly. And here, I can see that adding up the memory (3.8) and zram (1.9), it comes to around 6GB. Hence, I suspect the memory is still there, it's just not reported correctly because of the zram/swap thing. Removing the swap/zram completely may indeed show it to be 8GB.
    On your note of TV boxes being unreliable, I never refuted your claim. I agree about the unreliability. At the same time, I own two of these x88 pro20 boxes (8/128 and 4/32) and looking at the chips and the markings on the board, I have certain confidence that it would be an 8/64 indeed.
    And, I own a total of 4 tv boxes, and a total of 4 sbcs (2 raspberry pis, one orange pi 5 plus, 1 starfive vision V 2), so I know what to expect and how wild things are out in the tv box world.
    I am sure you also know better than to claim to be the final authority on declaring all tv boxes as "unreliable"
  5. Like
    MMorales got a reaction from Energokom in RK3566 and Armbian   
    @Hqnicolas very thanks for your help.
    Anyway im so happy with my 25€ expense.
    It comes with 4g of ddr4. rk3566 , Gigabyte Lan, Dual wifi, 64gb emmc, display, usb3 port, and including a beautiful box, remote and power suply.

    How much cost the same from a partner board?
  6. Like
    MMorales got a reaction from rafman in How to install armbian in h618?   
    Tested in Transpeed 8k H618 4g 64g & Vontar 6k h618  4g 32g

    @Nick A As we talk, here are the final "howto" to make it working leds display with openvfd. If you find any problem tell me.
    First go to armbian-config to change some kernel with has his own headers available like 6.10.9 (i had problem with rebooting with 6.7.12) configure an internet connection unpack the attached file to root dir / cd /linux_openvfd cp openvfd.dts /boot/dtb/allwinner/overlay/ armbian-add-overlay /boot/dtb/allwinner/overlay/openvfd.dts reboot ln -sf /boot/System.map-$(uname -r) /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/System.map cd cd /linux_openvfd/driver make -j 4 depmod -a make modules_install modprobe openvfd cd .. chmod +x OpenVFDService cp OpenVFDService /usr/sbin/ cp openvfd.service /etc/systemd/system/openvfd.service #apt install python3-psutil systemctl enable openvfd.service systemctl start openvfd.service After this, openvfd is working but if you want my scroll.py as a service uncomment in openvfd.service and comment the existing one. #ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '[ `cat /proc/device-tree/openvfd/compatible` = "open,vfd" ] && /sbin/modprobe openvfd; python3 /linux_openvfd/scroll.py'  
    Correct openvfd.dts, some compiling fixes and extra glyphs for cool animations added to this file. 
    @Nick A Please let me know if you make a new release with kernel 6.9.12 with this working cos now i made my server but no hdmi and no ethernet in 6.10. 
  7. Like
    MMorales reacted to rafman in How to install armbian in h618?   
    For Transpeed 8k  in order to make your IR remote to work with Armbian  (it may works and with other H618 boxes, but i test it only on Transpeed 8k)
    do the following steps:
    1> sudo apt-get install ir-keytable
    2> copy the attached file transpeed-8k.toml to /etc/rc_keymaps/protocols/
    3>  add the following line to your /etc/rc.local
         ir-keytable -p NEC -w /etc/rc_keymaps/protocols/transpeed-8k.toml
    It works with mpv / vlc /celluloid.
    Note: you can add any remote you have to your box by playing with ir-keytable is a very useful tool.

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