Hello and thanks for this great work!
Today I tried installing `Armbian_24.8.4_Odroidxu4_bookworm_current_6.6.54-omv_minimal.img.xz` (SHA256 confirmed/writing verified/new sd cards) on some Odroid-HC1's. Problem is/was I can't access the devices, I see them only short (reacting to pings) and then vanish again from the network. It behaved the same for 2 different devices.
Then I tried the latest normal/minimal image instead: `Armbian_24.8.1_Odroidxu4_bookworm_current_6.6.47_minimal.img.xz` and things work like normal (stays in the network, can access via ssh, ...)
Thought maybe the latest omv spin got some error so I tried again with the former stable (same version as minimal atm) `Armbian_24.8.1_Odroidxu4_bookworm_current_6.6.44-omv_minimal.img.xz` but again no luck and when pinging the device seems to be online only less then a minute before vanishing from the network again. Attaching a classic (spinning/mechanical!) hard disk then gave some "sound" confirmation: The disks spins up around every minute - so most likely boot looping!
Can anyone confirm that one of the latest two (24.8.4 or 24.8.1) actually works on a odroid-xu4/hc without boot loop?
At the moment I use the Armbian 24.8.1 minimal image mention and install OMV the hard way following this guide: https://wiki.omv-extras.org/doku.php?id=omv7:armbian_bookworm_install
I successfully used Armbian 24.8.1 minimal image mention and installed OMV the hard(er) way following this guide: