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Everything posted by Giuseppe93

  1. Hi Igor, Thanks for getting back to me. Could you tell me more about what do you mean for? I've installed a lot of them, so I'll list them for you: Celluloid, a bit jerky, cpu not stressed Dragon Player, doesn't work the application is running but when I select the files it doesn't open them mpv media player, jerky, cpu more stressed celluloid smplayer, the best, but struggles again in 4k vlc media player, worst, cpu 100% I'm hoping that at least one of these is compatible with the type of video acceleration I need. So are you saying that KDE Plasma with Wayland can't use the processor to be rendered?
  2. Hello Armbian community, I am writing this topic because, despite the drivers for the processor's integrated GPU are installed within the operating system, they do not seem to work properly. Precisely the system seems to work but as soon as I try to play a video it is played by the CPU and not by the GPU with lag and the CPU is at 100%. I leave the link and the attachment of the result of the armbianmonitor -U command that I posted here: https://paste.debian.net/1337993/ it is a compressed tar.gz file since I included all the results of the command Analysis.txt
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