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Igor V

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  1. The proposed solution doesn't work for me. I have the same experience the the author of this post - distributives provided by Orange Pi work, while Armbian doesn't load and there is no output on the display. I followed the proposed steps and flashed SD by Ubuntu from Orange Pi and erased /dev/mtd0 by executing: sudo apt update sudo apt install mtd-utils sudo flash_eraseall /dev/mtd0 Then I flashed SD with Armbian and symptoms are the same - no boot and black screen. I tried to flash SD again with Ubuntu from Orange Pi and it loads with no problems. How to proceed? Do I need to connect UART and check the output? Update: Armbian has been installed successfully. After cleaning bootloader as descried above, I tried to install Joshua Riek's distribution and it loaded. Then I returned back to Armbian downloads and tried Armbian 24.11.2 Noble Gnome with kernel 6.1.75 (the one highlighted) and it worked! And I migrated everything to eMMC by using armbian-config - that was easy. So to summarize - I'm not sure that /dev/mtd0 cleanup was really required, but I did it. The problem was with the distribution I tried to run. Armbian Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble) (Desktop images with Armbian Linux v6.12) was the wrong choice.
  2. I followed the provided instructions to install Arbmbian on Orange Pi 5 Plus 16GB, so I downloaded the official Ubuntu image from the Orange Pi website, and when it booted, it sudo apt update sudo apt install mtd-utils sudo flash_eraseall /dev/mtd0 The flash operation was finished successfully. Then I turned off, loaded Armbian Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble) (Desktop images with Armbian Linux v6.12) on SD and started the machine. I have a monitor connected to the machine, but there is no output. My router doesn't show any new network device, so I suppose that Armbian doesn't load. It's exactly the same situation when I tried to install Armbian without /dev/mtd0 erasing. How to proceed and install Armbian? Update: Armbian has been installed successfully. After cleaning bootloader as descried above, I tried to install Joshua Riek's distribution and it loaded. Then I returned back to Armbian downloads and tried Armbian 24.11.2 Noble Gnome with kernel 6.1.75 (the one highlighted) and it worked! And I migrated everything to eMMC by using armbian-config - that was easy. So to summarize - I'm not sure that /dev/mtd0 cleanup was really required, but I did it. The problem was with the distribution I tried to run. Armbian Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble) (Desktop images with Armbian Linux v6.12) was the wrong choice.
  3. Thank you, Werner. I will give it another try (I'm new to SBC) and going to install Armbian.
  4. I want to install Armbian, but faced with the problem that machine isn't started on Armbian SD image. I found on your instructions that I need to update SPI first, so plan to do that, just need to understand if I can reach the goal. I tried Joshua Riek's Ubuntu image and Orange Pi official Arch distribution, but didn't find any orangepi-config and other config utilities, but I saw that Armbian has the one. So ther question is - can I setup auto boon on power on with Armbian?
  5. I have Orange Pi 5 Plus that I plan to install in a remote location. To boot Orange Pi, I need to press the physical Power On button. How I can setup the machine to boot automatically once the power is supplied? There is nobody on the remote side to press this button. Or maybe there are other options to boot remotely like WakeOnLAN? Where it can be configured? In orangepi-config?
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