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    Obmor got a reaction from fabiobassa in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    There is still such a problem. When the device reboots, the USB Ethernet adapter does not initialize. You have to pull it out and put it in again. When the device is turned off, there is no such thing.
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    Obmor reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    here it is a module for kernel 6.6.67 and rtl8189es. Put this module in /lib/modules/6.6.41-current-rockchip/kernel/drivers/net/wireless directory, then run sudo depmod -a and reboot.
    If everything went ok, you should get 8189es driver loaded after boot; perhaps you may need a firmware to put somewhere in /lib/firmware. In case, the driver should complain about in dmesg that something is missing or wrong, and that may serve as hint to proceed further.
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    Obmor got a reaction from fabiobassa in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards   
    Now I use this one: https://www.ozon.ru/product/ustroystvo-upravleniya-diskretnymi-signalami-usb-gpio-extender-1757581290/
    but there are few lines. I ordered this one more : https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005005823954618.html?sku_id=12000034481303368
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