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  1. Ok, I see it's going to be awhile. So even though the graphics might be there, it's not ready as a whole to adopt the new kernel. The vendor is going to say when the next kernel is ready past 6.1. and it won't likely be 6.13 but sometime after.
  2. Now I see that kernel 6.13 was just released and it does supposedly have all the panthor/Mali GPU driver support. If I've interpreted everything I've read correctly. So maybe compiling a new kernel. I haven't done that in ages. Probably won't do that too soon.
  3. Ah, I see. Thank you! Panthor drivers have made it in to the the kernel but full support won't be there until 6.13. Armbian is still on 6.1. So hopefully this spring for kernel 6.13 and then wait for Armbian to use it. Or compile yourself. So we have to wait or go to legacy.
  4. Hello, I've been working to get lutris/ battlenet running on my orang pi 5 plus the last two days. I did this last year on my 386 Arch Linux box. It also took a few days to get running. Lutris always uses its own wine. But I did go through the motions that were posted here taking the apt install route when possible. I installed Box64 and 86 and wine32,64 and winetricks through apt. Lutris won't use the wine32 or 64 anyway. You can select alternate wine execs as much as you want it ignores that drop down at runtime. Supposedly you can code it into the lutris game, battlenet, installer script, but so far I've only changed it to use wine32. I did get past some steps by using them outside of lutris on the cli. I did eventually get errors about missing libraries and got all of those installed. I got as far as needing a video driver. Mesa didn't work, I saw someone said to use Mali run but that is outdated advice I think. I was about to test fbdev when I hosed my system. The problems have been numerous and I'm beginning to doubt that it will work. I understand lutris way better than I ever wanted to. I have yet to get the battlenet installer to run. I changed the installer to use 32bit, and that worked better. I did eventually get to failure trying to get a window. But then really hosed my system, so tired, and had to reinstall my system from SD card again. I have yet to get as far, and I've had a lot of problems I didn't have last time. I just wiped all the lutris dot folders, .cache, .config and .lutris reinstalled and reinstalled. I was at an apparently unreproducable error that the executable was not found. My default wine prefix is win64 and with my change Games/battlenet is Win32. That worked best so far. But now I'm back at square one and I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions for how to get battlenet running. I haven't looked to see if bottles or steam works. It seems maybe just using wine directly might be easier than debugging lutris all day again. I don't know. Any help or suggestions appreciated. I'm going to go dig into Nico's site and see what I can learn. Sorry if I repeated, trying to be as informative as possible. Thank you, Erica
  5. I have an M5 plus and I have the same problem. The install script does not list any of the networks available. I've tried the last two releases of Armbian minimal with the same result. 24.8 and 24.11. I know the wifi works because I used it to install the mpd utils under opios so that I could erase /dev/mpd0. I just checked, it was a kernel 5 image. I think that it is probably not possible for me to install Armbian as I do not have a wired network available to me. I had hoped that network manager, nmcli, nmtui would be available after getting through the initial setup, but they are not. Based on the above posts it might not work so well anyway. I'm not sure what to do other than go back and install Opios and go from there. I have now booted from Sdcard into OPios 1.20, debian/xfce with the 6.1.43 kernel. The wifi works just fine. I suppose I should try the Armbian Gnome image, although I want that on my computer about as much as I want windows on it. Ok, so the latest Armbian 24.11 image, Noble gnome-kisac-desktop with kernel 6.1.75 works just fine. It autodetected wifi networks and gave a notification they were available and I used the desktop icon to connect to one of them. It wouldn' t connect to the 5G network, it had authentication issues, but the regular network was just fine. No problems at all. Now I just need to de-install all the extra stuff I hate. At least I'm spared from using Orange Pi os version of debian. I hope this helps someone. I'm guessing the minimal image must be missing some fundamental things. I always install minimal Armbian and have not had wifi problems in a very long time. This is my first Orange pi. but I have vim3, 4, edgeV, and a Nano PC T4 all running Armbian minimal with Xmonad.
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