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Everything posted by DeVILRuNNeR

  1. Perhaps I can help to figure it out and look into something specific from the vendor image or kernel? It's apparently using a bespoke kernel wiki friendlyelec link
  2. Thanks for your feedback all. To look on the positives: I have learned allot from these endeavours. My overall key take away is that off the shelf software support or available images is key with this kind of hardware. Any 'hacking' or custom builds is going to cost way more then the hardware itself and as this example proved might not even work at all. Hope these gmac driver issues get sorted for the Future but for now I am going to run thé vendor images.
  3. I was running the UEFI generic build with the 6.12 kernel and dtbs applied through the grub loader. I didn't feel like going through all these hoops anymore and went back to the friendlyelec builds that work fine. No vlan or driver issues there. Not what i really wanted but this is just to much weird issues. Note: tried installing or running their kernel.deb that i have but refused to install. It complained about some board or machine info (in /proc) not being there. This dtb, DTS, dtbo thing is really sh*t and a shame on arm platforms compared to amd64.
  4. More then willing to test on my NanoPi but not sure how I would need to compile 🙄
  5. That is amazing ! Are you able to have more then 4 VLANs on this interface? Perhaps a stupid question but how can I apply this potential fix to my GMAC driver? On a side note: I am running a NanoPI R6C that only has 2 interfaces; yet it's showing 3 interfaces available to me 🤐
  6. Did anybody figure this problem out? I just also figured out this is still a problem on this onboard gmac ethernet adapter. Apparently this is a driver problem and was resolved in immortalwrt or openwrt. https://github.com/immortalwrt/immortalwrt/commit/07e476cac84e52d2f3d7d8afa9cbae57d9a97ffd How would one go about fixing this for armbian?
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