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Gustavo M

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    Gustavo M got a reaction from elvis in Vulkan Driver?   
    @elvis, thanks! That worked really well.
    Still, the performance is really subpar compared to what the proprietary drivers can provide, I'm afraid.
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    Gustavo M reacted to elvis in Vulkan Driver?   
    Thanks.  I think this is a bit tricky just due to the speed at which changes are hitting Mesa main.   I think once Mesa releases 25.0.0 (any day now - they tagged rc3 today) and that hits the various PPAs already in that script, that will make things a lot easier for people to just get working via an apt upgrade.

    Otherwise the only requirement is kernel 6.13, which is already in Armbian 25.x / edge.

    I suspect both of these requirements will hit PPAs and install images very soon?
    In the meantime I've updated my gist with notes on how to grab SPIRV-Tools and SPIRV-Headers if people are interested in bleeding edge Mesa main currently at 25.1.0-devel:
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    Gustavo M reacted to elvis in Vulkan Driver?   
    I threw together a quick and dirty gist here:
    Not the best documentation I'm sorry, but this is what I'm doing currently to get it working.  I'm starting with the Debian 12 Bookworm XFCE image with 6.12 kernel from here which boots without a picture, then following the steps in the gist above to add the 6.13 kernel and compile in Mesa, which on reboot give a picture and working OpenGL, OpenGLES and Vulkan:

    I re-did the process the other day, and the Armbian build tools created packages for kernel 6.13.2. I'm compiling Mesa straight from their Gitlab main branch (currently 25.1.0-devel), and the panvk updates are coming out pretty rapidly:
    Vulkan performance is quite impressive for such a low power device, although there are still some visual issues due to the driver being early in its development phase, and I think only at Vulkan 1.1.
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    Gustavo M reacted to Igor in How do I enable hardware acceleration on Orange pi 5 max?   
    Do the same for max:
    and wait for next automated rebuild cycle of community maintained images.
    Then download pre-configured Gnome desktop image and forget about any other browser then preinstalled one. Also forget general understanding about desktop Linux on PC ... this is embedded Linux / custom hardware world, where things are "a bit" different. Developing and keeping functional desktop image was already on the level of miracle considering that we are operating with big negative budget and absolute absence of any support from HW dealer that makes big sales ... which are crushing ability of making things better. For you and for us.
    Or dive into https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Overview/
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