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    chaoschris got a reaction from Igor in [partly solved] OrangePi Zero2 freezes or looses WiFi connection   
    Hi guys,
    it looks like my issue is solved now after entering a specific BSSID in my network connection.
    Or to be more precise, the issue is solved for me now, but for sure the issue still exists when you have a meshed network.
    The connection is rock solid now once it is pinned to an specific access point in my mesh network.
    Without the entry for a specific BSSID  it disconnects after some time. To analyze this a bit further it would be necessary to have a LAN connection or at least a screen and a keyboard. But unfortunately i have neither and the location of the device is a bit odd (it hangs in several meters height 😉  ).
    If somebody is interested in solving this issue i can provide log files on request. I have mounted a remote switchable power supply, so it would be no problem for me to reproduce the issue again without the need to climb up again and again to reset the device.....
    Thanks to all for the help.
    Best regards, Chris
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