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Everything posted by bragon

  1. Here are steps to compile wifi driver: - Make a clone of the following repository: git clone https://github.com/jwrdegoede/rtl8189ES_linux.git Compilation Navigate to the git repository of the driver. cd rtl8189ES_linux/ make -j4 ARCH=arm64 KSRC=/usr/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build sudo cp 8189es.ko /usr/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/realtek/ sudo depmod -a sudo modprobe 8189es Check with dmesg if the driver is successfully loaded Check with iwconfig/ifconfig if your WLAN interface appears To connect to the access point: nmcli d wifi connect YOUR_ACCESS_POINT password YOUR_PASSWORD Reference: https://github.com/kdrapel/x96mini_linux
  2. Thank you for valuable info about this fake TX3 Mini and hope that you still keep it to have fun. I modified meson-gxl-s905l2-ipbs9505.dtb to make Wifi work with drivers from https://github.com/jwrdegoede/rtl8189ES_linux.git. Please rename the attached dtb and compile driver from source to test. @Magd Almuntaser meson-gxl-s905l2-ipbs9505_fixed_2.dtb
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