yep, card works, like a charm most of what the links say and require me to do however...goes well over my head, also i have no PC running linux at home only a livestick and with that i cant use a VPN, and without a VPN i basically cannot open 80% of western Websites (china...).
Since an upgrade brought the "brick" (i presume) i dont think reinstalling will fix the issue since an upgrade will brick it all over again, unfortunatly i have only 1-2 hours at most each day available for my tinkering and the rest i have to take care of Work, Family etc. Sure if im determined i can do it, but as i said...i dont have the time for it. Fortunately though i have not saved any VITAL information on my Pi. So i think i will be trying other distro`s which put more emphasis on stability since i just dont have the technical know-how to fix Expert issues.
Well i must say im a bit too used to x86`s the OP1 was my dabble into arm. I used linux pretty heavily before 2009 i think. When something on my normal PC went "kaput" usually was not dealbreaker, and even if it was a tougher problem to deal with i usually had the time to fix it. I had a look see and i didnt really find the right "fit" distrowise so i think i will stay with armbian for the time being but hit the "Upgrade" button only if there is need. Maybe this weekend i will find time to do a reinstall.
Fortunately i have all my /home/ Data on separate drives (as a raid) which i think i can fit into a new system.