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  1. Nand-sata-install asks for /dev/nand2 device, what does not exist, and until that, tool stucks (Edit: should script create it? Cuz it doesnt..). On a fresh a20 cubie, there is only /dev/nand. That is the reason why i used fdisk - to create /dev/nand2. Have PhoenixSuit 1.10 from sunxi, what reports, there is no attached device. Dont know its reason, either tool is wrong, or i found a broken board (?). Actually i dont know about any tool what can help me to test device usb port on cubie, so i have only ethernet connection this time.
  2. Hi! I am experiencing problems with sd image install into NAND. Steps to reproduce: -Start with fresh cubie2 board (single a20 processor, image on this page: http://cubieboard.org/2013/06/19/cubieboard2-is-here/ ) -Image from link ( http://www.igorpecovnik.com/2013/12/24/cubietruck-debian-wheezy-sd-card-image/ ) -Selected "Cubieboard 2" / "Debian wheezy" / "24.8.2015, 3.4.108", image: ( http://mirror.igorpecovnik.com/Armbian_4.2_Cubieboard2_Debian_wheezy_3.4.108.zip ) -In the end, its a file "Armbian_4.2_Cubieboard2_Debian_wheezy_3.4.108.raw" -Use win32diskimager, write it to sd card, then boot from -First time root password is "1234" it will ask for a change, do it -Then: ----------------------------------------------------------- root@cubieboard2:~# fdisk /dev/nand Command (m for help): n Partition type: p primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free) e extended Select (default p): Using default response p Partition number (1-4, default 1): 2 First sector (2048-7782399, default 2048): Using default value 2048 Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (2048-7782399, default 7782399): Using default value 7782399 Command (m for help): w The partition table has been altered! Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. Syncing disks. root@cubieboard2:~# ------------------------------------------------------------ root@cubieboard2:~# cd /root root@cubieboard2:~# ls nand-sata-install root@cubieboard2:~# ./nand-sata-install ------------------------------------------------------------ -It will tell you, all data will be deleted on nand, and after a second or so it will inform you, should reload that script after reboot -Let it reboot -After: ------------------------------------------------------------ root@cubieboard2:~# cd /root root@cubieboard2:~# ls nand-sata-install root@cubieboard2:~# ./nand-sata-install ------------------------------------------------------------ -It will build the system while some minutes -After done, it informs to press a key, and after shutdown, remove the sd card -Do push a button, remove the sd card, power up cubieboard again -What happens now: on power up, green led is blinking, dhcp server tells me, there is no client around, cubieboard doesnt start (?) -What should happen: normal restart of cubieboard -Am i missed something? Can someone confirm plz?
  3. Hi! Not found covered this question in blog / general faq. Where to setup, which blockdevice get mounted as drive on client usb port?
  4. Hi! I am new to armbian, would like to ask about its development. Is this distribution quality controlled (by someone in charge), or fully community-organized "as is" ?
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