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Everything posted by dchatz

  1. I would like to do that while running an image from sd-card. Is that possible? Command " mount /dev/mmcblk1boot1 /mnt/mmc" gives mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mmcblk1boot1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so. Command "dmesg | tail" gives "UDF-fs: warning (device mmcblk1boot1): udf_fill_super: No partition found (2)"
  2. I 'd like to, but I'm too scared to do so since it is working fine as a server from SD. I wanted to help developers (is it is help, if not just ignore) like you that don't have access to certain hardware (nexbox a95x in my case which i think is pretty popular) to develop more hardware specific images. I would like to know though if it is possible to mount the internal memory somehow. "mount" command gives wrong fs type error.
  3. NEXBOX A95X running UBUNTU image (not the desktop). The fw_printenv output is the following if that is any help: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ root@amlogic-s905x:~# fw_printenv EnableSelinux=enforcing aml_dt=gxl_p212_2g baudrate=115200 bootcmd=run start_autoscript;run storeboot; bootdelay=1 bootfromnand=0 bootfromrecovery=0 cmdline_keys=if keyman init 0x1234; then if keyman read usid ${loadaddr} str; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.serialno=${usid};fi;if keyman read mac ${loadaddr} str; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} mac=${mac} androidboot.mac=${mac};fi;if keyman read deviceid ${loadaddr} str; then setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.deviceid=${deviceid};fi;fi; cvbs_drv=0 cvbsmode=576cvbs display_bpp=16 display_color_bg=0 display_color_fg=0xffff display_color_index=16 display_height=1080 display_layer=osd1 display_width=1920 dtb_mem_addr=0x1000000 ethaddr=00:15:18:01:81:31 factory_reset_poweroff_protect=echo wipe_data=${wipe_data}; echo wipe_cache=${wipe_cache};if test ${wipe_data} = failed; then run init_display; run storeargs;if mmcinfo; then run recovery_from_sdcard;fi;if usb start 0; then run recovery_from_udisk;fi;run recovery_from_flash;fi; if test ${wipe_cache} = failed; then run init_display; run storeargs;if mmcinfo; then run recovery_from_sdcard;fi;if usb start 0; then run recovery_from_udisk;fi;run recovery_from_flash;fi; fb_addr=0x3d800000 fb_height=1080 fb_width=1920 fdt_high=0x20000000 firstboot=0 gatewayip= hdmimode=1080p60hz hostname=arm_gxbb init_display=osd open;osd clear;imgread pic logo bootup $loadaddr;bmp display $bootup_offset;bmp scale initargs=rootfstype=ramfs init=/init console=ttyS0,115200 no_console_suspend earlyprintk=aml-uart,0xc81004c0 ramoops.pstore_en=1 ramoops.record_size=0x8000 ramoops.console_size=0x4000 ipaddr= jtag=apao loadaddr=1080000 netmask= outputmode=1080p60hz preboot=run factory_reset_poweroff_protect;run upgrade_check;run init_display;run storeargs;run upgrade_key;run switch_bootmode; recovery_from_flash=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} aml_dt=${aml_dt} recovery_part={recovery_part} recovery_offset={recovery_offset};if imgread kernel ${recovery_part} ${loadaddr} ${recovery_offset}; then wipeisb; bootm ${loadaddr}; fi recovery_from_sdcard=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} aml_dt=${aml_dt} recovery_part={recovery_part} recovery_offset={recovery_offset};if fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} aml_autoscript; then autoscr ${loadaddr}; fi;if fatload mmc 0 ${loadaddr} recovery.img; then if fatload mmc 0 ${dtb_mem_addr} dtb.img; then echo sd dtb.img loaded; fi;wipeisb; bootm ${loadaddr};fi; recovery_from_udisk=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} aml_dt=${aml_dt} recovery_part={recovery_part} recovery_offset={recovery_offset};if fatload usb 0 ${loadaddr} aml_autoscript; then autoscr ${loadaddr}; fi;if fatload usb 0 ${loadaddr} recovery.img; then if fatload usb 0 ${dtb_mem_addr} dtb.img; then echo udisk dtb.img loaded; fi;wipeisb; bootm ${loadaddr};fi; recovery_offset=0 recovery_part=recovery sdc_burning=sdc_burn ${sdcburncfg} sdcburncfg=aml_sdc_burn.ini serverip= start_autoscript=if usb start ; then run start_usb_autoscript;fi;if mmcinfo; then run start_mmc_autoscript;fi; start_mmc_autoscript=if fatload mmc 0 1020000 s905_autoscript; then autoscr 1020000; fi start_usb_autoscript=if fatload usb 0 1020000 s905_autoscript; then autoscr 1020000; fi storeargs=setenv bootargs ${initargs} androidboot.selinux=${EnableSelinux} logo=${display_layer},loaded,${fb_addr},${outputmode} maxcpus=${maxcpus} vout=${outputmode},enable hdmimode=${hdmimode} cvbsmode=${cvbsmode} hdmitx=${cecconfig} cvbsdrv=${cvbs_drv} androidboot.firstboot=${firstboot} jtag=${jtag}; setenv bootargs ${bootargs} androidboot.hardware=amlogic;run cmdline_keys; storeboot=if imgread kernel boot ${loadaddr}; then bootm ${loadaddr}; fi;run update; switch_bootmode=get_rebootmode;if test ${reboot_mode} = factory_reset; then run recovery_from_flash;else if test ${reboot_mode} = update; then run update;else if test ${reboot_mode} = cold_boot; then run try_auto_burn; fi;fi;fi; try_auto_burn=update 700 750; update=run usb_burning; run sdc_burning; if mmcinfo; then run recovery_from_sdcard;fi;if usb start 0; then run recovery_from_udisk;fi;run recovery_from_flash; upgrade_check=echo upgrade_step=${upgrade_step}; if itest ${upgrade_step} == 3; then run init_display; run storeargs; run update;else fi; upgrade_key=if gpio input GPIOAO_2; then echo detect upgrade key; sleep 3;if gpio input GPIOAO_2; then run update; fi;fi; upgrade_step=2 usb_burning=update 1000 wipe_cache=successful wipe_data=successful ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. This happens randomly on me. Try a reboot and after 2~4 reboots it should come up OK.
  5. A95x-b7n. Tested 20161222 xenial. All modules loaded properly. Wifi and sound work as they should. Modifyng the init script for bpp=32 resulted in a strange looking black cursor and bad colors in windows, bpp=24 is working fine. @ balbes150 : Still good work ARGHH!: just discovered bluetooth is not working
  6. Could you provide "mode" variables for use of resolutions not so standard meaning "1440x900", 1024x600", "800x480", "1280x1024 (for use of older VGA monitors). Or even the widely used "1024x768". By the way it works perfect with HDMI2VGA adapter (except that the monitor was 1280X1024 and the screen was a bit stretched). Trying "bpp=32" resulted in a strange looking unusable desktop with a black mouse pointer and other color problems.
  7. Nexbox A95x-b7n with a907x and 2/16 ram/storage. Tested Ubuntu 20161217. With firefox I finally had sound on youtube. Tested also a sound generator app (hydrogen) to see how it performs and did well. Installed chromium and played video from other sites that Firefox would ask to download the video . Couldn't enable flash for browser. Now is the time to test the new 1218 ubuntu but it is getting late and I need time to download. Very nice work Oleg. Did run the 1218 ubuntu finally. Youtube played smoothly indeed.
  8. Nexbox A95x-b7n with a907x and 2/16 ram/storage. Tested 20161217 debian. Wifi WORKS !!!!!!!!!!!! Opened test.mp4, mpv was laggy but I could hear sound !!!!!!! Opened Iceweasel and tested youtube, no sound. Thought it is a iceweasel problem, tried to install chromium but is not in the repositories. Tried Firefox but resulted in a segmentation fault. Now making card to test Ubuntu 20161217.
  9. Did it. To be sure, I copied the file to the root of the BOOT partition (the one accessible from a windows machine when sdcard is inserted in a windows computer) and renamed the file to dtb.img (don't worry for correct extensions, hiding file types etc, I know those). The result was the same as if no dtb file was used at all, meaning, no sound, no hw accellarated video, no wifi. The test.mp4 file was playing extremely laggy. Thank you for your effort anyway. Any other ideas?
  10. tried hard but have not found the correct dtb for jessie on Nexbox A95x-b7n with a907x and 2/16 ram/storage. Could someone give me some instructions where to find it?
  11. You mean you are creating such a file? That is very nice. If we can help and extract some files from a device (each one from his own separate device model) so we can create a list of nearly all models with their device specific files I suppose we can do it. Could you give an example how to use a dtb file? (for example on "that" file put instead of "this" line the line "dtb-file=XXXXXXX.dtb" or something like that). Just tried the latest (15 Jan) jessie. First boot garbled command line, rebooted, fine- created user, rebooted, entered gui garbled, rebooted, entered gui fine. Sound, wifi still not working. Inserted a cheap ralink usb-wifi and worked. Minor disconections though but worked.
  12. A device specific extra nessecary files download along with the universal img would be great. Meaning anybody downloads the img for jessie or ubuntu and then for each device (a95x or m8s or tronsmart or whatever other) a separate zip with all the files each device needs for itself.
  13. Nexbox A95x-b7n with a907x and 2/16 ram/storage. Booting both the jessie and ubuntu desktop img's the results are that the only not working out of the box are sound, hw video and wifi. Desktop, ethernet, usb are Ok. Some graphical desktop problems are i think not device specific. Trying modprobe 8189es and wifi_dummy resulted in wifi showing "device not ready". Are there any clear instructions to enable wifi hw video and sound? Nice work up to now. Waiting for a fully functional desktop...
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