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Everything posted by Ake

  1. Thanks. So, as I understood, only A20 & H3 have well-tested solution for video decoding at the moment.
  2. Hi, everyone. I'm looking for board which can be used for playing video in kiosk mode, therefore it must have video hardware acceleration available. I've looked through supported devices and created short-list: A20-based: Olimex Lime 2 and its modifications BananaPi/BananaPi Pro Cubietruck H3-based: OrangePi PC/Plus/+2E and other similar modifications (have one, is overheating common problem for them?) Rockchip-based: MiQi Tinkerboard S A64-based (with original/legacy kernel): Pine64/Rock64/Sopine A64 OrangePi Win/Plus + Hummingboards Am I right that these boards are able to play video with hardware acceleration and what board will be more suitable for this purpose?
  3. Thanks, it works. But after booting from eMMC root filesystem is mounted read only and fstab settings is probably ignored. There are no relevant messages in syslog/dmesg except mount fails with status 32.
  4. Could you tell where can I find manual/instructions for this procedure and further actions?
  5. Hi. I would like to install Armbian on Cubieboard2 with eMMC as internal storage and have faced some problems. The first challenge was to make eMMC accessible, it was solved using .fex from cubieboard sdk for this revision (also tried cubieboard2dual.fex, but without any effect). The second problem was behavior of nand-sata-install included in desktop image - it overwrite wrong root partition (external SD instead of eMMC), but it was also solved using latest version of nand-sata-install. But after installation, system isn't booting from eMMC. Since root filesystem is successfully copied to eMMC, I think there is problem with bootloader. Is there any way to solve this problem?
  6. Problem is solved. My mistake was adjusting uEnv.txt located in first partition (/dev/nanda) which mounts to /boot. In fact, actual uEnv.txt located in /boot directory of second (root) partiton (/dev/nandb). I've booted from SD, edited it and now everything works properly.
  7. /boot/uEnv.txt: console=tty1 root=/dev/nand2 rootwait extraargs="console=tty1 hdmi.audio=EDID:0 disp.screen0_output_mode=EDID:0 consoleblank=0 loglevel=1 sunxi_ve_mem_reserve=128" dmesg: Kernel command line: console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/nand2 rootwait loglevel=8 panic=10 console=tty1 hdmi.audio=EDID:0 disp.screen0_output_mode=EDID:0 consoleblank=0 loglevel=1 Does uEnv.txt require any actions other than editing?
  8. Hi. I have Cubieboard 1 with Armbian Jessie installed on NAND. I've tried to disable output during boot as described here: https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Fine-Tuning/#how-to-toggle-boot-output, but there are no existing boot.cmd and boot.scr in boot partition. I've found out that uEnv.txt have same purpose but it seems that editing this file doesn't affects arguments, /proc/cmdline remains the same.
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