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    GNUser got a reaction from wildcat_paris in Free as in Freedom image?   
    My name is GNUser and as the name implies, I use GNU system
    For privacy and security reasons (though also some philosophical ones) I decided to run only free software on my machines. For example my laptop has Trisquel installed which is a FSF approved distro. I also use Debian a lot, with the main repository only available (other repositories might contain or suggest non-free software).
    My question is this: the images of armbian available here, I understand they are built on top of debian, but which kernel are they using? The kernel that Debian usually provides (for x86/64) is a debblobed kernel, with no proprietary pieces. Is that the case with these images?
    Also, in terms of drivers, firmware and repositories, do these include any non-free stuff?
    I understand a lot of people probably don't care about free vs open source, and I am fine with that. I believe we can work together anyway, and I am jsut asking so I know which pieces of software I would have to replace (if possible at all).
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