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Posts posted by JL604

  1. On 6/18/2017 at 1:09 AM, farrukh said:

    I did a big mistake updating to 4.11. So called crappy Xradio has been working great for me with 4.10. Is there any possibility to undo the update?

    I am the same with the driver for the 7601U wlan dongle which works solidly for me in the older version ( at work now so can't remember off hand what the cutoff point is).


    I'm not sure exactly how all these drivers fit into building an image, but you'd have to assume that something somewhere caused an issue that is fixed easier than reprogramming the driver. I wish I had the software skills (and the time!) to be able to contribute more to these images

  2. Hi, long time listener (whos ears do not always understand everything that has been said), first time caller, please be gentle.


    Like a lot of people I am not a linux expert but I am willing to learn. I have the opizero and the 7601 wifi chip and with the ubuntu legacy kernel the chip worked great and was giving me reasonable wifi speeds (I want to use it as a wireless backup).


    It worked over multiple reboots until... I did the apt upgrade and the ra0 driver has disappeared and I cannot seem to get it back. 

    the wlan0 also has disappeared but I'm not really fussed about that in this posting


    I understand that the drivers have been disabled in 5.2.5??


    How exactly do I work with the script below? how do I run this, and will this be what I am looking for, since there seems to be some issues with 7601 or 7601U




    Should I go back to the version that was working, and never do an apt-upgrade?

    If I should do this, then what would be the offending item that causes me problems in the upgrade?


    https://askubuntu.com/questions/99774/exclude-packages-from-apt-get-upgrade is this something that I can use or will I have to specifically look out for any network drivers type issue when I have packages that need upgrading.





    Thanks a ton for all the work that you guys do here, I really appreciate the fact that you guys enable me to use a $10 computer as a wireless server (until I upgrade :) )


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