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Everything posted by martinayotte

  1. What do you mean exactly ? How to flash SPI-NOR or How to make LCD work on RaspberryPi ? this is completely 2 different subjects. For the SPI-NOR, as Zador said, it is not enabled by default. I personally suggest to use Mainline kernel anyway, it is much more easy to enable the overlay.
  2. The IP address is or is not the IP of your MAC ? How did you figured out that this IP could be the one from OrangePiPC ? If your router doesn't help to figure out the real IP of the OPi, your will need to connect using Serial USB-TTL and do "ifconfig" on the board itself. "orangepipc.local" doesn't work until "avahi-daemon" is installed on the OPi, when you will get access to it, simply go "apt-get install avahi-daemon".
  3. 8189ES isn't not the same as 8189FS. But, anyway, the 8189fs is already part of Armbian build for some boards such OPiPC+. Which board do you have ? And why do you need it under 4.9 ? Armbian is on 4.10 since months ...
  4. That is pretty normal if both wlan0 and eth0 are on the same subnet. the default gateway route is pointing by default to eth0, so when disconnecting eth0, it has no gateway. Simply boot your OPiZero without eth0 plugged in, the gateway will then point to wlan0.
  5. ~$ is effectively a command prompt shel, where the ~ means home directory. For Desktop, did you use a Desktop image for your SDCard ? Because Server image are headless by default, no Desktop installed ...
  6. Check the back of your OPiZero to make sure you have a SPI_NOR already soldered. If your PCB has blank SOIC8 pads, you will need to purchase a flash chip and solder it there.
  7. Not having a USB-TTL to do debugging is like a carpenter not having any hammer ...
  8. @Igor, can you confirm with Steven that PL9 is really on pin 16 of the header ? It doesn't work and since the PDF is named ORANGEPI-Winplus-V1_3.pdf and not ORANGEPI-Win-V1_x.pdf, i suspect some discrepancies ... Same thing with ORANGEPI-Prime_V1_0.pdf, the STATUS-LED doesn't light up when bring PA15 to HIGH. And if I remember this is the same issue with ORANGE_PI-PC2-V1_2_schematic.pdf, the STATUS-LED doesn't light up when bring PA15 to HIGH ! Steven should make sure that his schematics are reflecting the reality !!! EDIT : Ok ! I found the discrepancies. In top area of the schematic, it says PA15 = STATUS-LED, but on the CPU pins , it is PA20. Same thing for PC2.
  9. The errors with "scripts/dtc/livetree.c" is related to the fact that "scripts-dtc-Update-to-version-with-overlay.patch" failed.
  10. @Igor, thanks for confirmation ! I will continue digging ...
  11. Don't expect such feature like LCD interface to be in working state. A week ago, none of the contributors had any OPiWin to work with. The current build is booting, eth0 is working, but no WiFi yet.
  12. On another subject, since this is a new build target only since few days, my recent works as to get R_PIO working on OPiWin to allows getting the WiFi AP6212 working soon. Unfortunately, I didn't get expected success yet. R_PIO seems to be properly initialized, but neither wifi_en_pin@0 (PL8) or manual sysfs PL9 on header doesn't work. The sad thin is that the sames R_PIO patches works well on Pine64 where I've been able to blink PL7 LED. That make me think that the schematic we got ORANGEPI-Winplus-V1_3.pdf maybe not matching the real hardware, the "plus" maybe means "another" board, not yet available. @Igor could you confirm with Steven ? There many other schematics that never been published yet, that should be updated ...
  13. Note that most of the above are warning for the HDMI driver, you shouldn't care to much about them. The real error you faced is : ERROR: Couldn't open "config.its" And that reveal to me that I forgot to commit 1 files during my initial commit few days ago : missing blobs/sun50i_a64_opiwin.its added. I've just committed it now ... ( @zador.blood.stained, in fact, this forgotten file should be directly in your u-boot proxy repository, but I presume I can't commit it there directly, so, in the mean time, I've done it inside a patch)
  14. I maybe wrong, but I remember that several months ago, I was able to over-write it. But then, after using newer u-boot, I wasn't able, maybe a bug has been introduced elsewhere, not by Armbian.
  15. It is probably hard-coded into u-boot, and not over-writable.
  16. If you can switch to newest image because you simply added tons of applications, and tweaked tons of configs, what you can do is still download newest image, plug into a SDCard reader over one of the USB, then move the old /boot into /boot-OLD and copy the one from the new image from /mnt/boot into /boot. Probably, you will also need to install newest u-boot by doing : dd if=/usr/lib/linux-u-boot-dev-orangepipc_5.27_armhf/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1024 seek=8 The, reboot and see newest kernel, but still able to use you old applications
  17. But why removing the LED PA15 from FEX becomes a pain ? Is the MFRC522 is 3.3V or 5V ? If 5V, you will need voltage level shifters. If you wish to keep the SPI-NOR, you can probably use a I2C-to-SPI bridge such SC18IS602, but it will be more trouble on software side.
  18. For flashing the SPI-NOR, you need to get "mtd-utils", either from apt-get or from sources. You need to add in the /boot/armbianEnv.txt the following overlay : overlays=spi-jedec-nor Then, reboot, and check if SPI-NOR appears by doing "cat /proc/mtd". If you have mtd partitions, then install u-boot-spl using this command (check previous partitions to make sure u-boot is mtd0) : flashcp /usr/lib/linux-u-boot-dev-orangepipc_5.27_armhf/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin /dev/mtd0 Next steps are for copying your sdcard into you already inserted usb drive by using nand-sata-install. After copy finished, edit the boot.cmd from your usb drive, this means probably /mnt/boot/boot.cmd if drive mounted in /mnt. Change all "mmc" words by "usb" and add on top of boot.cmd the line "setenv devtype usb", save it and recompile it with "mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr". Then, shutdown the board, remove the sdcard, and re-power the board. Check the boot log using USB-TTL adaptor. If everything fine, you should get into the login prompt. Bingo !
  19. Unfortunately, I don't have any DS2406 to try to figure out. Maybe there is an issue with the driver itself ... At least, you've got the DS18B20 working !
  20. Booting from SPI-NOR doesn't need other things than the u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin in the flash, which a bit less than 500K. The kernel itself along uinitrd and dtb should be located elsewhere. I've never try to boot in NFS or TFTP yet, but booting from USB drive just works fine. (BTW, pushing u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin into flash isn't done by nand-sata-install, nand-sata-install is used to copy sdcard into other storage such USB drive or eMMC)
  21. The fact that you are seeing spidev in lsmod doesn't mean nothing wrong occured. Check the kernel logs with "dmesg | grep spidev"
  22. There is also overlays provide in recent Mainline builds for A20, such /boot/dtb/overlay/sun7i-a20-w1-gpio.dtbo. To enable it, simple edit /boot/armbianEnv.txt and add this : overlays=w1-gpio And then reboot. (Note : to use such overlays, your need a recent image, not upgrades from old image)
  23. Because the POWER_LED is already in use by the kernel. It is the same if you try to use it with sysfs. echo 362 > /sys/class/gpio/export -bash: echo: write error: Device or resource busy The only way to free it is to edit DT and removing it from the r_pio section. But the STATUS_LED is already free and available.
  24. In Mainline, the FEX (ie script.bin) is not used at all anymore. It is the DTB that replace all this mechanisms. You need to load DTB overlay for OneWire, add the following in /boot/armbianEnv.txt overlays=sun8i-h3-w1 and then reboot ...
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