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  1. Sorry for reopening this problem. But I am still considering the wifi behavior in clientmode at least strange. I've got at least 1 out of 4 times no connection. I tested it with a cronjob every minute pinging google.com, now running ping to a fixed IP to make sure it is not a DNS problem. Is there anything I can do to approach this problem? Other devices with exactly the same configuration (Raspi) work fine in the same environment! Edit: It is not a DNS problem. Pinging a fixed IP shows the same behaviour.
  2. Page 10 only says: # There is a difference between Default VLAN and Native VLAN. # Native VLAN can be of a value of same as Default VLAN # which is 1. # But when a native VLAN is changed for e.g in this case its 10, # still the default VLAN remains 1. It does not say anything about the differences. Just that it is a different thing. But neither where default VLAN is set nor how (by which part?)? OK, I guess it is a best practice to do VLAN instead of creating different bridges? But bridges would also work? I see the rule: Put everything in the bridge, but don't understand why. For example all devices from VLAN 102 are already in the bridge. So there should be no need to also add the interface eth0.102. Is there any reason to do this? Same for wan. Why would I like it to join br0? If I leave it on it's own. I have one more seperation instead of seperation only by VLAN. So what is the interest? That is exactly what I have done. But I only did the DSA part and the interfaces-Configuration and then used my configuration of dnsmasq. Thank you so much for taking the time and answering my questions.
  3. Ok, I have now had a detailed look at all this. But some questions occured: What is exactly the difference between default VLAN and native VLAN? Default is set by something on boot? Why do we add wan to our br0? I thought it would be completely seperated from our bridge (VLAN 102)? Why do we need to also add eth0.102 to br0? I know it is virtual adapter for VLAN 102. When I run bridge vlan show: I see that each Port occurs exactly twice (excepting the br0). Is that normal? There is this hint: # - eth0.102 = LAN (4 port switch) + WLAN But I don't see where WLAN is added to VLAN 102. Is it added? Sorry for that load of questions but I would really like to know what's going on there.
  4. Aw, thank you so much. I'll try this right now. As far as I have seen your document says nothing about /etc/network/interfaces. So I can leave my interfaces file untouched? EDIT: Sorry I found it. I will have to look at it again, as i still have eth0.101 and so on. But I got an IP-Address from dnsmasq for the first time. Thank you very much for your help.
  5. Hey, I'm trying to setup the ports of the switch correctly but I don't arrive anywhere. I'm using the mainline armbian for my R1. There are different files in /etc/network(e.g.): -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 495 18. Jun 2017 interfaces.r1 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 610 18. Jun 2017 interfaces.r1router -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 359 18. Jun 2017 interfaces.r1switch But even if I completely copy a configuration file to /etc/network/interfaces there are still no packets arriving at the Ports named lan1 to lan4. I checked this with tcpdump -i interfaceName, but all packets are arriving at eth0. Only some IPv6 packets are arriving at the lan-ports. My current /etc/network/interfaces looks like this: source /etc/network/interfaces.d/* # Local loopback auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0.101 iface eth0.101 manual pre-up swconfig dev eth0 set reset 1 pre-up swconfig dev eth0 set enable_vlan 1 pre-up swconfig dev eth0 vlan 101 set ports '3 8t' pre-up swconfig dev eth0 set apply 1 auto eth0.102 iface eth0.102 inet manual pre-up swconfig dev eth0 vlan 102 set ports '0 1 2 4 8t' pre-up swconfig dev eth0 set apply 1 allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp # WAN auto eth0.101 iface eth0.101 inet dhcp I have read about the new DSA-option but don't see where it is used nor how. Is there a way I can use the LAN-Ports normally? Or is there a good tutorial on how to setup the switch correctly? Thank you very much for your support!
  6. I cannot find a 6 pin wifi module with the 3572. Are you sure the Wifi-Problem is only in client-mode? In my opinion there is a strange behavior in client mode too.
  7. Thanks for your replies. Are there currently any wifi boards sold, which also have those 6 pins? The one recommended by Tido (http://de.aliexpress.com/item/MT5572-WIFI-module-6-pin-WL-UM01EBS-5572-V1-0-27-17-7mm-USB2-0/32530090751.html?ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_7_79_78_77_80,searchweb201644_0,searchweb201560_9) is not sold anymore.
  8. I have acknowledged that the wifi behaves strange. Is there anything I can do against without just not using it? I also found this and think that I can create a DHCP-server on the ethernet ports. How do I use the wifi as internet-connection? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DH8AXCHqUYI6J4L4ujt20aI9BNrYxsWtcthWZEJx8Xs/edit# Thank you for your replies so far.
  9. I want to have the R1 connect via WiFi to an existing network and want an own networkadress-range on all the switch-ports. So for example Wifi has adress and Devices connected with LAN get addresses from
  10. Hello, I'm pretty new to configuring networks completely with /etc/network/interfaces and have my problems with understanding how to set up my ports adequately. What I want to do is: I want to run a DHCP-Server on all the LAN-Ports and want to use the wireless Connection as a Gateway (using NAT, no bridge). I found this to setup the Switchports as bridged.https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/511#issuecomment-262571252 But I don't know how to set the whole system up. I read lots of introduction but all people are using the WAN-Port as Gateway and setting the wireless as Access Point. That's not what I want to do. And I also wasn't able to adept there solution to get it running how I want. Hopefully someone may help a noob... Thanks for responses in Advance! MetallJ
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