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  1. armbianmonitur -u gives me error 500. I use micro-USB DC 5V 3A/3000mA. Same error appears on TinkerOS, I noticed. 1x Wifi works, 2x Wifi everything will go to chaos, default installation.
  2. Hello, I am using the latest Desktop Armbian and use the internal wifi and a usb wifi stick (edimax ew 7811-un). Both devices are detected by network-manager. I use network-manager to connect to my router. I get internet. Minutes later, there is DNS conflict (/var/log/syslog) and I cannot resolve any websites anymore. I only see dhclient DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 for some reasons. I have this problem with a fresh installed Armbian. How can I solve this? Thank you
  3. Hello, I am trying to setup a hotspot with a static IP using hostapd, dnsmasq on wlan0, which is unmanaged by network-manager. wlan1 is managed by network-manager, and uses dns=dnsmasq inside the network-manager.conf file. I have disabled systemd-avahi-daemon.socket + service and deteded isc-dhclient-X (common), because it seems my DNS is conflicting. Now it happens that the power management goes ON, on wlan1, altough I have wifi.power_save = 2. How can this all happen? Just want to use /etc/network/interfaces the anachronistic way, but network-manager and other dns services from the beginning are conflicting. Can anyone tell me, which services have to be disabled in order to just use this setup? https://frillip.com/using-your-raspberry-pi-3-as-a-wifi-access-point-with-hostapd/ I am trying the last 4 days. Thank you. UPDATE: Ntpd is deleting my device, why? 12/19/17 1:30 AM localhost ntpd[1820] Deleting interface #9 wlan1, ... , interface stats: received=0, sent=0, dropped=0, active_time=59 secs
  4. My goal is to clone the SD-card to other tinkerboards. The problem is network-manager writes the settings with the MAC address of the wifi devices into the settings file. The address of the other tinkerboards are of course different. Thats why I am trying to make some fixed address. This guy using C.H.I.P said it is a driver issue. Is C.H.I.P and Tinkerboard using the same wifi chip (RTL8723BS) ? https://bbs.nextthing.co/t/change-wifi-mac-address/6273/14
  5. Hello, I am using the lastest stable mainline kernel and would like to change my mac address before network-manager is started. I tried to change the mac address of wlan1 (which is an Edimax usb wifi stick) which works, but wlan0 (Tinkerboard internal wifi chip) gives me the message: Network driver didn't actually change to the new MAC!! Does it have something to do with the drivers used on Armbian? I am using sudo macchanger --mac 02:02:03:04:05:06 wlan0 Thanks for help.
  6. Thanks! worked. I used extraargs="net.ifnames=0" before and it didn't work. Without quotes it does!
  7. Hello, I just installed Armbian on my Tinker board. I use the internal wifi and another wifi usb dongle (static ip). The wifi usb receives a name wlx**** in ifconfig and the internal wifi module has wlan0. I want to have wlan1 instead of wlx***. So I checked https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/PredictableNetworkInterfaceNames/ Tried the option using dev/null and setting the net.ifnames parameter. I tried in /boot/ArmBianEnv.txt to set net.ifnames=0 parameter. Nothing works. Would be happy, if someone knows how to change this on Armbian. Thank you very much
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