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  1. Thank you Igor - it seems that the service is not running on startup even there is an entry at /etc/init.d :-( I even tried to set up a cronjob (@reboot). Doesn't work :-( This is what its look like after reboot (connected via serial): root@bpii:~# /etc/init.d/ssh status ● ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: inactive (dead) root@bpii:~# Ok, seems that when I'm connected via serial it is in emergency mode - I have to shut it down completely (shutdown -h now) disconnect power and FTDI, and connect power again. Now it works...
  2. But unfortunately ssh tell me connection refused :( The service is running.
  3. Hi there, i found my mistake: I - somehow - inverted Rx and Tx of the FTDI... After uninverting it, everything went flawlessly.
  4. Right. Ok, maybe. I installed the freshest Armbian Bionic mainline kernel 4.14.y on a fresh formatted SD - same screen in the console as shown above. Is it just me? What do you mean?
  5. Hi there, I tried to connect but all I see in the console is like shown in the following picture: Settings are like in the Wiki: Baud 115200 Hardwareflowcontroll off
  6. Hi there, ok, I'll try it today in the afternoon - thank you so much for your help! I'll give you a quick response until i reached something :-) Bye
  7. Hi martinayotte, thank you very much for your answer. I do have a FTDI USB dongle and a Atmel USPasp - what can i do with this? Do you have a Youtube Link for me? How do I test the SD card for corruption? Thanks in advance. [€]: Or an Arduino if you want.
  8. Hi guys, today i wanted to access my BPi with armbian installed remote with SSH. Terminal says: port 22: Connection refused. I'm able to ping the BPi. At least last week I was able to access the BPi with remote SSH. When i connect it via HDMI i can see the boot process until it says loading kernel - then the screen turns all black and nothing happens anymore. If I try to access some installed webservices, the browser says it can't connect. What can I do?
  9. Ok, then from scratch. Is it possible to backup the data? How to copy the old data to the new installation?
  10. Hi Igor and thank you for your reply. This solution didn't work for me; some of the files of this workaround are missing and the last hint to copy or to link the kernel failed because it says it is the same file already. Is there any hope for me? [E]: I put the Banana Pi on my tv via HDMI and in the boot process the screen turns black while it says "loading kernel" (or something like this). [E]: The LEDs (normally red (solid) and green (flashing)) is since the boot failure only red (solid) and no green.
  11. Hi there, my BananaPi won't boot after a (maybe failed) apt-get update. Is there anything i could try to make it work again? While apt-get upgrade was running, I saw (iirc) in the log that the kernel directory (?) isn't empty (?). This message stayed there for quite a long time but the update process ended without any error messages. Thank you.
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