Hello all: My name Is Jay and i am new here -
I buy a new pi, now with pipewire, and more and it has some consistant letdowns on the OS. When i install across all types ---even kdePlasma the same thing happens!
no audio - still needs a profile or something????
no loopback -- linux kernel header issue
no bt audio -- libspa will work
no screen sharing -- ....i just have a cursor now when i share it...
So, i made an input to fix this..... a terminal input:
echo -e "hdmi_group=1\nhdmi_mode=16\nhdmi_drive=2\nhdmi_force_hotplug=1\nhdmi_force_edid_audio=1\ndisable_fw_kms_setup=0" | sudo tee -a /boot/firmware/config.txt > /dev/null && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt update && sudo apt install linux-headers-6.12.19-current-bcm2711 linux-headers-current-bcm2712=24.2.1 alsa* pipewire* vulkan-tools mesa-vulkan-drivers xdg-desktop-portal-gnome gnome-remote-desktop libspa-0.2-bluetooth qv4l2 v4l2loopback-dkms obs-plugins obs-studio && snap install chromium && sudo apt install flatpak && flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo && flatpak install flathub com.saivert.pwvucontrol
The outcome was a good start, however, some issues remain.
Mainly i am struggling with pipewire or something? Likely i need and alsa audio profile for hdmi audio.
Any suggestions as far as enableing audio?
Btw: This is obs running in the term with sudo MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.3 obs
it has v4l2loopback working now.