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Found 17 results

  1. Hi, New user here - I Just download the current version of Armbian today with the hopes of using it on my Raspberry Pi 5B. After unzipping it, I created an image on a usb stick using Raspberry Pi Imager - use custom. However, it is not booting. It only shows a few lines on the screen, the last being: Begin: Running /scripts/local-block ... done. (screen shot below) What am I doing wrong?
  2. Hello all, I am using Armbian (Debian Bookworm), Gnome with Wayland. everything is working just fine. The problem is with sharing or presenting screen with OBS-Studio, Jitsi, Google meeting or other. If I share a tab in Chromium/Firefox with Jtisi or Google meeting, that's work, but I can't share a window or full screen. I am wondering what is the main cost of that. This when I share full screen, it doesn't work properly, it shows like this: This when I share tab, it's working just fine.
  3. Today, I set up SSH public key authentication on my RPI5B running Armbian-unofficial 24.8.0-trunk Bookworm. During the test, I noticed that the initial SSH session message displayed the CPU temperature and other details. Unfortunately, the vcgencmd utility provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation doesn't work on Armbian. I'm looking to understand how the temperature, CPU clock, and GPU clock are measured, and if possible, I'd like to receive some code to do so.
  4. A while ago (February '24), I downloaded and installed Armbian_23.11.3_Rpi5b_bookworm_current_6.1.68_cinnamon_desktop. It is running OK, and I only have a few issues with it. One issue is that the vcgencmd is not working. I posted a question about it on the forum and received a reply saying that this would be solved "when possible." However, it is still not resolved. Without this command working, I cannot get the CPU temperature, so I cannot control the cooling fan. I checked for a newer release today to see if this issue is fixed. I was shocked to see no Bookworm with Cinnamon release available. I'd like to know if it is in the works or has been dropped and will not be offered again.
  5. Hi all. I am new to Arm and Linux in general. Got me a Raspberry pi5 several days ago and was going trough different OS systems so i can settle on one final choice. Landed in the Armbian community and tested the Armbian Bookworn / Gnome distro and was amazed how smooth and good looking this is. The only problem i have is the lack of preinstalled Widevine support. I know (and also tested) that Raspberry OS does have DRM playback support trough Widevine. So it works with the latest 64bit Arm Linux Kernel, right ? So i even went and extracted the Widevine folder form the RpOS system.... Now, several days after i am clueless on how to install Widevine and make the Chcromium browser use it. Went trough a ton of content in the web but am not that advanced to do it myself. ( i have also tested a KDE plasma build that have this functionality already built in, but i really want to use the Armbian platform) Can someone help me trough the process ?
  6. Reverting "linux-firmware-raspi" from "12-0ubuntu1" to "10-0ubuntu1" resolves this issue.
  7. Good evening, Armbian noob here (Debian veteran) working with an RPi 5. I've just installed `Armbian_24.2.5_Rpi5b_bookworm_current_6.6.23.img.xz` and would like to build the ZFS modules. I've installed the kernel modules using `armbian-config` but when I try to build I get root@meson:~# dpkg-reconfigure zfs-dkms Deleting module zfs-2.2.3 completely from the DKMS tree. Loading new zfs-2.2.3 DKMS files... Building for 6.6.23-current-bcm2712 Module build for kernel 6.6.23-current-bcm2712 was skipped since the kernel headers for this kernel do not seem to be installed. root@meson:~# Edit: Current situation: root@meson:~# dpkg -l linux-headers-current-bcm2712 linux-image-current-bcm2712 Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) ||/ Name Version Architecture Description +++-=============================-============-============-========================================================= ii linux-headers-current-bcm2712 24.2.1 arm64 Armbian Linux current headers 6.6.18-current-bcm2712 ii linux-image-current-bcm2712 24.2.5 arm64 Armbian Linux current kernel image 6.6.23-current-bcm2712 root@meson:~# It seems that the headers for this kernel are not available. `armbian-config` lists only a newer kernel as an option (6.7) `apt search` lists older kernels, probably from the Debian repos. Can I switch to these or is there something else I can do? Thanks! (First post here.)
  8. My system has `linux-image-current-bcm2712` package installed with version 24.2.5 which I believe is the current Arbian release. I installed `linux-headers-current-bcm2712`, but this package has version 24.2.1. So I end up with system running `6.6.23-current-bcm2712` with headers for `6.6.18-current-bcm2712` and I can't build extra drivers in result. Any hints? I love technical forums that don't understand markdown, it makes life so much easier...
  9. Hi. I installed Armbian on a raspberry pi 5. Everything went smoothly, but straight-away, I see that dmesg is filled with this error: brcmfmac: brcmf_set_channel: set chanspec 0x100c fail, reason -52 I'm noticing some inconsistencies on the network, and I'm not sure if this is behind it. I tried installing the firmware-brcm80211, but it didn't help -- in fact, I think it might have made it worse. I've looked all over, but I cannot see any useful information regarding this. It has no usb devices attached, not using and gpio pins or anything fancy. It is just a node on the network that is presenting information on a television screen in our shop. It looks like the driver is not a good match for the hardware (that's my guess, anyway). In the past, I've seen errors like this fixed with the firmware I mentioned above. No such luck this time. Any way I can fix this? Thanks.
  10. Raspberry OS has weird quirks that automate the process of setting up the system for using cameras, but I'm looking for clean way to set up the device tree to use the imx219 camera. Anyone knows what overlays to enable to get this to work on Armbian? Additionally where's the location of device tree overlays sources for Raspberry Pi 5 on Armbian?
  11. Hi team, just wanted to know how come this was not included in this release and could someone provide the details to download the most stable version of Chrominum for this please ?
  12. Hello, I have a bunch of boards (rpi4b, rpi5, orangepi5, orangepi5-plus, nanopct6, rock3a, rock5b, vim4) in a Kubernetes cluster using Cilium. Cilium requires CONF_SCHEDSTATS=y in the kernel, which is dependent on CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y but... in build/lib/functions/compilation/armbian-kernel.sh we have # DONE: Disable: debug option kernel_config_set_n DEBUG_KERNEL # Armbian doesn't know how to package a debug kernel. Which invalidates the option I enabled during ./compile.sh BOARD=... BRANCH=... kernel-config Except for the VIM4, with DEBUG_KERNEL enabled in build/config/sources/families/meson-s4t7.conf Is there a way to enable DEBUG_KERNEL for the rest of the boards? Thank you! Stefanita Vilcu
  13. Hello, I'm very familiar with Raspberry Pi, not so much Armbian. I have installed Armbian KDE Neon with Plasma 6 successfully and am very interested in possibilities with the Pi5.
  14. I am unable to see how to setup the Pimoroni NVME base for the Raspberry PI 5 with Armbian 23.11.3. Are there published instructions? Is this supported?
  15. I installed Armbian from Armbian_23.11.3_Rpi5b_jammy_current_6.1.68_cinnamon_desktop.img.xz downloaded today (February 11th 24) After installation, I performed an upgrade/update. I have not yet installed any additional software. Issues; 1) when cinnamon desktop starts there is message displayed: Your system is currently running without video hardware acceleration 2) vgencmd always gives an error: VCHI initialization failed, no matter if I run it with sudo or not, or with which parameter(s) I run it. armbian monitor -u gave link https://paste.armbian.com/lurunopoyo
  16. Hi, where can I find kernel headers for RPi5 jammy? linux-headers-6.1.68.current-bcm2712 ? This version of Armbian is really usefull because it is the only one that can run a version of ROS natively on a RPi5, but I need the headers to build drivers Thanks
  17. I'm trying to setup k3s on a raspberry pi 5, and I can't seem to get the cgroup enabled on the kernel. I edited the /boot/armbianEnv.txt file adding: extraargs=cgroup_memory=1 cgroup_enable=memory and when i cat /proc/cmdline or /proc/cgroup it doesn't seem to be enabled and I don't see the edits from the env file. Can anyone help? For context I'm trying to get k3s up and running on the a few raspberry pi 4s as nodes and a five as the master to the issues is currently on the 5. I'll be verifying I get the same results on the 4s tonight. Read through a bunch of posts but haven't found anything suggesting something other than editing that file for armbian. Config on rapsbian was in the /boot/cmdline file, and that worked fine on the same hardware.
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