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    Saru got a reaction from Werner in Is it possible to use orange pi 3 + Armbian as desktop PC ?   
    I had the board before I met armbian XD although I was not disappointed, I do several things:
    - Edit documents with WPS Office(better looking than LibreOffice)
    - Listen to YouTube music with FreeTube (configured for audio only)
    - Browse with Firefox but only non-demanding pages (no YouTube XD)
    - I have arduino-IDE installed although I have not yet tried to program a board (Chinese version-Aliexpress)
    When someone understands the limitations of the board or the software being used then they can enjoy it  , that's my opinion as "average Joe" who knows next to nothing about Linux XD.
    [I thank balbes150, translated with google translator]
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    Saru reacted to Werner in X96 mini   
    CSC stands for community supported configuration which means somebody took time to make Armbian work on specific device. However the device may not have an active maintainer that takes care of future kernel versions and supporting so it could break any time with upgrading since Armbian often does not even have a sample of the device in the lab to make basic functional tests. Also if something breaks and nobody is around that knows the device and how to fix it it stays broken. Armbian developers may/can/will not help.
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