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Everything posted by A-P

  1. My "dmesg" output if it helps :
  2. same result with Winbond 25Q16BVSIG.
  3. I've already soldered spi flash "Macronix MX25L1606E" which xunlong currently use for zero and pc2 but spi flash does not show up .
  4. I followed all of your instruction but was unable to make SPI-Flash to work. after adding overlays=spi-jedec-nor and installing mtd-utils still there is no /proc/mtd file and that flashcp command does not recognize /dev/mtd0. Is there any additional process I have to do ? I'm using am untouched Armbian opi zero image. Regards.
  5. Thanks for the quick reply. Can you tell me step by step guide and tool how to flash my spi flash memory and also how to tell uboot to boot over lan or usb ? best regards.
  6. Hi all i'm trying to boot my Orange Pi bord over the network. For this purpose i'm going to use SPI Flash memory to load bootloader (Uboot). I found a tool named nand-sata-install introduced by Igor. I have read all the script and i'm wondering how much capacity my SPI NAND flash should have. SunXi recommends 2MB (16Mbit) but my bootloader is about 5MB.
  7. Hi, We use different armbian images for our different orangepis and every time we change a board model we only point script.bin shortcut to .bin file of the new board and it always work without changing the whole image. But we could not make Opi zero work with this technic. Opi zero does not work when we copied orangepizero.bin from opi zero image to /boot/bin folder and point script.bin to than file. (as older armbian images do not have orangepizero.bin we had to copy from new opi zero image.) We tried to boot from opi lite image but wifi and usb (and probably other things as well) does not work. As our image is custom made and we have to change a lot of things is it possible to use our current opi image on kernel 3.4.112 for opi zero ? Regards.
  8. I've been using pyA20 as H3 gpio library in Orangepi. Recently we've moved to nanoPi M1 . But the problem is H3 on nanoPi has more gpio pins than orangePi and A20 gpio library does not recognize these pins. Is there any H3 gpio library like pyA20 available ? (Please note WiringOPI is for C not python) Thanks.
  9. Hi, I'm using raspberrypi ili9488 GPIO LCD (Image here) and I was able to make it working with notro's fbtft drivers and it works fine. What I am trying to do now is to control the backlight or just turn it on and off inside my application with a linux command or for example by turning on and off a GPIO pin but I was not successful. Turning on a off the +5v and +3.3v did turn the whole lcd of and when I turned it back on it did not work and I had to restart the system. I managed to control the backlight by using a transistor on the lcd board backlight power pin but it was not so practical as it needed a lot of time and what we do is producing more than 1000 product each time and it need a lot of time and human resource so this is not what we want. Is ther anyway to control or just turn on and off the hat (gpio) lcd screen by using linux commands or by using any fbtft (notro) command in the driver or just by just do LOW or HIGH any gpio pin on orangepi ? Thanks in advance.
  10. First thank you very much. This is what I was looking for , for like a few months. But why the output is in portrait mode ? I tried both by playing wih rotate , width , hieght in modprobe but I could not change it to landscape mode. I also tried to change X11/xorg.conf with no luck. Can you tell me how to change display orientation from portrait to landscape? Thanks.
  11. How did you attach the microphone ? I mean which point did you connect to MIC- and MIC+ ? Did you coonect the solder point directly to the microphone or did you use a circuit ?
  12. I've managed to solder AV-OUT, Audio Out and Mic In to the solder points. AV and audio out work without problem but Mic In has noise on output. I've tested all point (Positive, Negative and Bias) but all of them has noise on output even with my designed Pre-amp. With OrangePi Mini2 I solder the pre-amp to mic pins and there is no noise. Is there any difference between solder points on mini2 microphone on board and solder points on Opi ONE ? Can you please tell me what's wrong and the correct way to plug a microphone to the board ?
  13. I've been struggling for a while to get raspberry pi HAT type LCD to working. I've been working with loboris images before until recently that I've heard that armbian has cooked a new image for orangepi with newer kernel. In the description of images it is clearly indicated that the image works with small screen lcds which it seems to be true because there is no error when I want to load a notro module and it successfully loads. I've put lcd configurations in /etc/modules but I was not successful. this is the parameters I use in /etc/modules fbtft_device name=flexfb gpios=dc:22,reset:27 speed=48000000 flexfb width=320 height=240 buswidth=8 init=-1,0xCB,0x39,0x2C,0x00,0x34,0x02,-1,0xCF,0x00,0XC1,0X30,-1,0xE8,0x85,0x00,0x78,-1,0xEA,0x00,0x00,-1,0xED,0x64,0x03,0X12,0X81,-1,0xF7,0x20,-1,0xC0,0x23,-1,0xC1,0x10,-1,0xC5,0x3e,0x28,-1,0xC7,0x86,-1,0x36,0x28,-1,0x3A,0x55,-1,0xB1,0x00,0x18,-1,0xB6,0x08,0x82,0x27,-1,0xF2,0x00,-1,0x26,0x01,-1,0xE0,0x0F,0x31,0x2B,0x0C,0x0E,0x08,0x4E,0xF1,0x37,0x07,0x10,0x03,0x0E,0x09,0x00,-1,0XE1,0x00,0x0E,0x14,0x03,0x11,0x07,0x31,0xC1,0x48,0x08,0x0F,0x0C,0x31,0x36,0x0F,-1,0x11,-2,120,-1,0x29,-1,0x2c,-3 ads7846_device model=7846 cs=1 gpio_pendown=17 speed=1000000 keep_vref_on=1 swap_xy=0 pressure_max=255 x_plate_ohms=60 x_min=200 x_max=3900 y_min=200 y_max=3900 the lcd is : SKU ac-tft32-v3.1 that if you google you can get a lot of information. Can anybody please give me instructions how to get this lcd to working ? It is really important for me.
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