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Da Xue

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  1. You can only use soft dual edge interrupts with meson before SM1.
  2. This depends on the Armbian default device tree mode for the USB controller. The top left port next to Ethernet is an dual mode capable port so Armbian might have it set to device by default. On Libre Computer official images, they're set to host mode.
  3. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Display_Power_Management_Signaling
  4. 4K is not a problem with the proper encoding. You need to use gstreamer on Armbian or official images. gst123 if you are using weston.
  5. RTL8821CU is upstreamed in Linux 6.2. Armbian uses an out-of-tree driver for it. Chromium on X11 is very laggy since it's not accelerated. Your best bet is to use the official Ubuntu server images and run Chromium snap on weston.
  6. Need to see your actual overlay. But I would test the overlay first by just disabling serial and then using gpioset to test those GPIOs first. Then worry about bitbang I2C driver. Not familiar with Armbian's dt overlay system myself.
  7. The hardware video encoder is not supported in anything but Android or the buildroot BSP. It's a very simplistic hardware encoder so it will probably not get upstream support.
  8. Armbian's I2C overlay probably doesn't have the proper biasing https://github.com/libre-computer-project/libretech-wiring-tool/blob/master/libre-computer/aml-s905x-cc/dt/i2c-b.dts You can either re-hack the overlay or use our images along with the libretech-wiring-tool.
  9. You have to check the logs. It could be a number of things.
  10. Any specific links to the code?
  11. @Martin Harris Go online and look for Debian VNC instructions. Raspbian is 99% Debian now with Bullseye so regular Linux instructions will work just fine.
  12. Patriot and MicroCenter cards are using cheap internal controllers and flash to hit cost low cost. Stick with Tier 1 like SanDisk and Samsung. Even Kington uses crappy flash in some products.
  13. I don't think Armbian currently supports the SPI. People might be working on this but in the meantime, you can use the official images for SPI: http://distro.libre.computer/ci/ https://github.com/libre-computer-project/libretech-wiring-tool
  14. you have to add an systemd service to launch on tty when you hit multiuser.target
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