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  1. emk2203's post in base-files missing for 24.8.1 armhf was marked as the answer   
    For everyone who might be interested in a not-so-quick fix to keep an older Armbian install running, here is what you can do until base-files become available for armhf:
    Download the latest base-files version of amd64 and armhf. Unpack with dpkg-deb -x base-files-xx.xx.xx_long_text_armhf.deb armhf and dpkg-deb -x base-files-yy.yy.yy_long_text_amd64.deb armhf_new in two directories armhf and armhf_new. Use diff -qr armhf armhf_new to test for differences. The file arm*/usr/bin/locale-check is different because different architectures, but the creation time shows that the content is the same. Copy it over: cp -a armhf{_new}/usr/bin/locale-check The lib64 symbolic link at the root of armhf_new and its target are unnecessary: rmdir $(readlink -f armhf_new/lib64) && rm armhf_new lib64 . Use dpkg-deb --control base-files-yy.yy.yy_long_text_amd64.deb armhf_new/DEBIAN to have the control files as well. edit armhf_new/DEBIAN/control to have line 4 read armhf instead of amd64. Remove the `lib64` words from /armhf_new/DEBIAN/*. Use grep -nrw  armhf_new/DEBIAN -e lib64 to find them. Fix the md5sum with md5sum armhf_new/usr/bin/locale-check and edit armhf_new/DEBIAN/md5sums accordingly. Fix the ownership of the files and directories with sudo chown -R root:root armhf_new/* Build the new deb package:  sudo dpkg-deb -b armhf_new base-files_yy.yy.yy.deb and install it: sudo dpkg -i base-files_yy.yy.yy.deb Upgrade formerly stuck packages like armbian-bsp-cli-odroidxu4-current: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade Clean up. It would really be easier to have an up-to-date version of base-files for armhf, but this has happened twice for me and at least once for another guy on the forum, so I hope the fix can be of help in the future.
  2. emk2203's post in OPi Zero with supported Armbian 22.02 Jammy not accessible via SSH was marked as the answer   
    My OPi Zero is not accessible via SSH after installing the new supported image Armbian 22.02 Jammy.
    After the install, the device is up and ping-able. Any attempt to SSH in with `ssh root@<ip-address>` ends in a `ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out` error. When I reboot the board and try again, it's still the same issue. A ping with `ping` works.
    For completeness, I tried also with the edge instead of the current jammy image. Same error.
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