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  1. I wanted to new install my Cubietruck with the new Jessie images. But how can i install to boot from Nand and SSD. Can´t find nand.install.sh Is this gone? Why? Thx Thomas
  2. Hello, I'm running ARMBIAN 5.25 stable with kernel 4.9.12-sunxi on my Cubietruck and I mostly use it as an AP. I've installed the "hostapd" package from the official armbian repository and it works fine until I want to connect more than 5 wireless clients. The kernel module used is "brcmfmac" provided by the armbian-firmware package. Is it an hardware limit and how can I bypass it if possible ? The working default config provided with hostapd package is below: ssid=ARMBIAN interface=wlan0 hw_mode=g channel=5 driver=nl80211 ctrl_interface=/var/run/hostapd ctrl_interface_group=0 logger_syslog=0 logger_syslog_level=0 wmm_enabled=1 ieee80211n=1 wpa=2 preamble=1 wpa_psk=66eb31d2b48d19ba216f2e50c6831ee11be98e2fa3a8075e30b866f4a5ccda27 wpa_passphrase=12345678 wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK wpa_pairwise=TKIP rsn_pairwise=CCMP auth_algs=1 macaddr_acl=0 noscan=1 #country_code=SI #ieee80211d=1 Thanks in advance for your help, Romain
  3. I'm currently running ARMBIAN 5.31 Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 4.11.5-sunxi on my Cubietruck, which otherwise works fine as a headless data and media server. However, for quite some time (also on previous ARMBIAN builds) I get two failure messages every time I boot the system: > [FAIL] Starting up cgroup management Error: /var/log is in use ... failed ! ramlog-tmpfs 2.0.0 In /var/log/boot it says: Sat Jun 17 19:53:57 2017: INIT: Entering runlevel: 2 Sat Jun 17 19:53:57 2017: [^[[36minfo^[[39;49m] Using makefile-style concurrent boot in runlevel 2. Sat Jun 17 19:53:59 2017: [....] Starting cgroup management daemon: cgmanager[....] Starting ramlog-tmpfs 2.0.0: Sat Jun 17 19:54:00 2017: The list of open files: (You need to close below daemons if you want to start/stop ramlog manually) Sat Jun 17 19:54:00 2017: Sat Jun 17 19:54:00 2017: COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME Sat Jun 17 19:54:00 2017: lsusb 1502 root 1w REG 179,1 186584 2284 /var/log/armhwinfo.log Sat Jun 17 19:54:00 2017: Sat Jun 17 19:54:00 2017: Test result: ramlog cannot be started or stopped at the moment. As a consequence ramlog is not running ! On testing startstop function of ramlog I get the following: root@CT:~# /etc/init.d/ramlog teststartstop The list of open files: (You need to close below daemons if you want to start/stop ramlog manually) COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME minidlnad 1499 minidlna 4w REG 179,1 2018 2188 /var/log/minidlna.log nmbd 1858 root 2w REG 179,1 1863 128555 /var/log/samba/log.nmbd nmbd 1858 root 8w REG 179,1 1863 128555 /var/log/samba/log.nmbd smbd 2056 root 2w REG 179,1 933 128812 /var/log/samba/log.smbd smbd 2056 root 8w REG 179,1 933 128812 /var/log/samba/log.smbd squeezebo 2093 squeezeboxserver 6w REG 179,1 167550 128891 /var/log/squeezeboxserver/server.log squeezebo 2093 squeezeboxserver 7w REG 179,1 0 142384 /var/log/squeezeboxserver/perfmon.log Test result: ramlog cannot be started or stopped at the moment. The second boot-up failure message refers to LIRC not working: > [FAIL] Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC : failed In /var/log/boot log it says: Sat Jun 17 19:54:08 2017: /etc/init.d/lirc: 1: /etc/lirc/hardware.conf: î\007SK9XJ¤\005í\00714.8.4-sunxiSK9X£Þ\005ñ\00744.8.4-sunxi: not found Sat Jun 17 19:54:08 2017: [....] Starting remote control daemon(s) : LIRC :^[[?25l^[[?1c^[7^[[1G[^[[31mFAIL^[[39;49m^[8^[[?25h^[[?0c ^[[31mfailed!^[[39;49m As I don't use any IR functions on the Cubietruck, this doesn't really matter, I suppose. But most likely there is a way to get rid of this error message. Trouble is I don't know it. Any remedial aid would be appreciated, many thanx in advance !
  4. Hi to all, sorry if it is already described anywhere. I found some similar issues but no solution, except ...has to be modified.. or anything similar. Two days ago I updated my Armbian Jessie server on may Cubietruck with apt-get update && apt-get upgrade After that my homeautomation didn't show the SoC temperature any more. first I looked for an error in the software, then after a lot of reboots I noticed the temperature also missing in the armbian startscreen. The command cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp was responsed by cat: /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp: Invalid argument a commit of tkaiser I found at github (Adjust thermal readouts) but it didn't really help me even the Armbianmonitor says: cubie@ioBroker-Cubie:~$ sudo armbianmonitor -m Stop monitoring using [ctrl]-[c] Time CPU load %cpu %sys %usr %nice %io %irq CPU 18:25:43: 864MHz 2.75 34% 4% 22% 0% 6% 0%/usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 274: read: read error: 0: Invalid argument /usr/bin/armbianmonitor: line 275: [: -ge: unary operator expected It was working fine for months: Thanks for any help Rainer
  5. Hello All, I'm using a cubitruck and I'm still on 5.25 mainline. I just saw that there is already v5.30 available but there are no updates available. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade tells me there is nothing to update. What am I doing wrong? Gesendet von meinem LG-H815 mit Tapatalk
  6. hi guys, I have reported this on to etcher folks at https://github.com/resin-io/etcher/issues/1466 Not sure if it's a feature or a bug. Cubie truck 3 Any ideas? Etcher version: Etcher-1.0.0-win32-x64.exe Operating system and architecture: windows 8 Image flashed: https://dl.armbian.com/cubietruck/archive/Armbian_5.25_Cubietruck_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113_desktop.7z Do you see any meaningful error information in the DevTools? Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 941M 0 941M 0% /dev tmpfs 189M 5.5M 184M 3% /run /dev/mmcblk0p1 2.7G 2.2G 490M 82% / tmpfs 944M 92K 944M 1% /dev/shm tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock tmpfs 944M 0 944M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs 944M 104K 944M 1% /tmp log2ram 50M 1.4M 49M 3% /var/log tmpfs 189M 0 189M 0% /run/user/0 tmpfs 189M 8.0K 189M 1% /run/user/1000
  7. Hi All, I used armbian for a few month and it works pretty good for me. Everything start going bad since I update it with RAID 1.1 board. Current system: Cubietruck + RAID board + Armbian (actual Ubuntu Xenial next) The issue is that board do not want to accept HDDs without reformatting them in a first row, ok, I made a full backup and after new installation from SD to the RAID just restore it --> It does not boot up even if I change fstab and armbianenv.txt in a boot section. I change /boot/armbianenv.txt (or how it called) parameter UUID to SD card back and could boot again, but system is on SD card. I perform new installation and restore only OwnCloud folders, since that point it works pretty well for few mounts. Last week during the OwnCloud sync it just reject connections. I check armbian with ssh and everything looks good (apache, webmin, etc.), except of 30+ updates were coming, after successful update and restart it does not boot any more. If I change in boot section UUID to SD, I could boot. I do perform HDD scan, but nothing was corrected by fschk. The issue is that I haven't any VGA or HDMI Display to check what is the output during the boot. How can I check what is wrong with the system when I try to boot up from SD and system is on HDD? I bring board to the work once and connect to the VGA output, I can see cubietruck self test, etc., but after kernel start booting I have an out of range error on display, it was 67,5 kHz set, and only 60 is supported. Even that I could see that there is some output on display, but I could not recognize what exactly is that (jumping and splitting over the display).
  8. Hi, I have serious problems with the 5.25 images of armbian on a cubietruck. After a fresh install and apt-get update apt-get upgrade I get errors with : dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-libc-dev_4.4.0-78.99_armhf.deb (--unpack) This is for the Armbian_5.25_Cubietruck_Ubuntu_xenial_next_4.9.7 image, with other images this concerns a different package. Only Armbian_5.25_Cubietruck_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113 works. After this error, the filesystem seems to be defect and is remounted ro. On another try, I removed the rmount ro on error option from the fstab and the /var/lib/dpkg directory was corrupted. I tried several new SD cards and two cubietrucks, result is still the same. Any help appreciated. Greets Christian
  9. Hello world, this is my first visit in this forum and my first question, please don`t bite me, if somethings wrong (and sorry for my bad englisch too, I`m from germany, blackwood forrest....). I am using my cubietruck now since may 2014, everythings ok. Now i got a week holiday and i thougt about an update for my cubietruck, it`s not about the ubuntu 14.04, it`s more about my old 4 GB SD-Card. OK, 10 EUR and i got an new 16GB Card "up to 80 MB/Sec." which i dont believe, but the problem is at another place: + first writing the image to the new 16 GB card: https://dl.armbian.com/cubietruck/Debian_jessie_next.7z + next backup the old 4 GB Card to an image with a card reader on Windows-7 and ".....\Roadkil.Net\DiskImage_1_6_WinAll.exe" + now backup the disk (1000GB WD Red WD10JFCX 16MB 2.5" (6.4cm) SATA 6Gb/s) and after this, i put all the cables off from the disk. The Idea at this moment was: Booting from SD Card and installing debian on nand, to get a new small and headless System. After 3 years of use, i will install only apache2-Server for local bookmarks and minidlna(d) for Video and musik on the disk, no more "buildessentials" and 1000 things of other stuff. But what happens: The system is booting into an old 13.04 Ubuntu System on the nand, i got this message: "your ubuntu release is not supported anymore. New release 13.10 available.." And now the one and only question at the moment: Is this a way to fix this behaviour and get a firmware update (maybee) aside: Installing Android like described in this artikel: http://docs.cubieboard.org/tutorials/ct1/installation/cb3_a20-install_nand_boot_android_for_cubietruck and afterwords using the Debian_jessie_next-Image will end sucessfully? Any other ideas or suggestions? What is the right way? I never had the feeling in the last 3 years, that i need a firmware update, but when it`s recommend, i got no fear against phoenix and lifesuit. But when there is no need to do this, that`s allright too. Thanx for all answers, have a good time. Regards Eckhard
  10. The Problem is retry count exceeded... I don't know why is this happening to me. I search the older post the same problem, but i don't know what is the exactly problem. My board is CubieTruck3 A20 Board and i use SD Card.
  11. Armbian Cubietruck Desktop does not start the graphical environment for Nand. I downloaded the Armbian Legacy 5:10 Cubietruck Debian jessie 3.4.112 Desktop (http://mirror.igorpecovnik.com/Armbian_5.10_Cubietruck_Debian_jessie_3.4.112_desktop.7z) , I recorded the image on an SD card using a software called Rufus ( https://rufus.akeo.ie/ ) Insert the card into Cubietruck and Armbian starts and works perfectly ! Nand-sata-install.sh run the script to perform the copy of the card to nand , the same copy without any error and asks at the end off the Cubietruck and disconnect the SD card . After disconnecting the SD card the Armbian does not start. However I rode the Nand and it meets all of the recorded files. I wonder how to start the Cubietruck by nand perfectly? Here the configuration of FSTAB file written in NAND my Cubietruck. copy was performed using the script nand-sata-install.sh Do not start by NAND /dev/nand2 / ext4 defaults,noatime,nodiratime,commit=600,errors=remount-ro 0 1 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,rw,nosuid 0 0 /var/swap none swap sw 0 0 /dev/nand1 /boot vfat defaults 0 0 Sorry I do not speak English , I'm using Google Translate ! But I thank the collaboration of all of the community !
  12. Hi, I wrote Armbian_5.25_Cubietruck_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113.img to sd-card and booted my cubietruck from the card. ssh in and user creation followed by reboot (rootfs resize) After that i performed apt get update&upgrade and started nand-sata-install. I have SSD hooked to CubieTruck and my goal is boot system from onboard memory (with 3.4-kernel nand is available but not with 4.9...) and roots to /dev/sda1. This was how previous setup was. sd-card slot is broken, I need to use tape to keep card on the reader, another reason why boot from nand would be nice. However, when i start and-sata-install, following is displayed on console: [ 112.701170] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand magic does not match for MBR 1: softw411 [ 112.710146] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand magic does not match for MBR 2: [ 112.719450] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand magic does not match for MBR 3: [ 112.725528] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand magic does not match for MBR 4: [ 112.733262] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand header bad for all MBR copies, MBR corrupted or not present. [ 112.743553] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 1, start 65536, size 65536 [ 112.749216] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 2, start 131072, size 14909440 [ 112.751266] nand: nand1 nand2 [ 112.764254] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand magic does not match for MBR 1: softw411 [ 112.770268] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand magic does not match for MBR 2: [ 112.776448] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand magic does not match for MBR 3: [ 112.782522] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand magic does not match for MBR 4: [ 112.790258] Dev Sunxi softw311 nand header bad for all MBR copies, MBR corrupted or not present. [ 112.800339] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 1, start 65536, size 65536 [ 112.806096] Dev Sunxi softw411 nand: part 2, start 131072, size 14909440 [ 112.808112] nand: nand1 nand2 It's clear that my CubieTruck fails to boot from nand. I have searched around the web and conclusion is that i should install old ubuntu-server and flash with LiveSuite (which is not working with my MacOSsierra...) Is there any other possibilities to get system booting from /den/nand? Br miha
  13. Hello together sorry for this long description but I want to provide all information I could save. I'm running armbian since 2(?) years and had never a serious problem with it. Today the system was not reachable anymore (services, ssh, ping) so I rebooted the server. Rebooting worked but all my data is on an external encrypted harddisk which I couldn't open anymore: root@MyCubietruck:~# cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda1 MyEncryptedHarddisk Enter passphrase for /dev/sda1: device-mapper: reload ioctl on failed: No such file or directory Failed to setup dm-crypt key mapping for device /dev/sda1. Check that kernel supports aes-xts-plain64 cipher (check syslog for more info). journalctl said: root@MyCubietruck:~# journalctl -r May 07 13:37:11 MyCubietruck kernel: device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table May 07 13:37:11 MyCubietruck kernel: device-mapper: table: 254:0: crypt: Error allocating crypto tfm System and kernel info when the armbian was still working was: root@MyCubietruck:~# uname -a Linux MyCubietruck 4.10.12-sunxi #7 SMP Wed Apr 26 02:44:12 CEST 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux root@MyCubietruck:~# cat /etc/debian_version 8.8 So I tried to find similar problems amd found: The point is: I didn't upgrade the kernel and according to my logwatch mail from this morning there was no kernel upgrade. Now I made a huge mistake: I assumed a kernel problem anyway and tried to solve it with a kernel downgrade (even though I didn't try something like this before) - and I thought should use the script provided by @Igor : ...and noticed this information too late: Well, the script (choosing "Cubietruck" and "vanilla" ended up with): ┌─Armbian universal installer 2015.11───┐ │ │ │ Removing conflicting packages ... │ │ │ └───────────────────────────────────────┘ E: Unable to locate package nstall_new E: Unable to locate package "" E: Unable to locate package "Installing E: Unable to locate package packages..." The upgrade.log says: The following packages will be REMOVED: linux-dtb-next-sunxi 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 4,163 kB will be freed. (Reading database ... ^M(Reading database ... 5%^M(Reading database ... 10%^M(Reading database ... 15%^M(Reading database ... 20%^M(Reading database ... 25%^M(Reading database ... 30%^M(Reading database ... 35%^M(Reading database ... 40%^M(Reading database ... 45%^M(Reading database ... 50%^M(Reading database ... 55%^M(Reading database ... 60%^M(Reading database ... 65%^M(Reading database ... 70%^M(Reading database ... 75%^M(Reading database ... 80%^M(Reading database ... 85%^M(Reading database ... 90%^M(Reading database ... 95%^M(Reading database ... 100%^M(Reading database ... 105718 files and directories currently installed.)^M Removing linux-dtb-next-sunxi (5.27.170427) ...^M No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed. 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 0 B will be used. Note: selecting "linux-image-dev-rockchip" instead of the virtual package "linux-image-4.10.0-rockchip" Note: selecting "linux-image-sun8i" instead of the virtual package "linux-image-3.4.113-sun8i" "linux-image-3.4.112-sun8i" exists in the package database, but it is not a real package and no package provides it. "linux-image-4.8.3-sun8i" exists in the package database, but it is not a real package and no package provides it. "linux-image-4.7.3-sun8i" exists in the package database, but it is not a real package and no package provides it. Note: selecting "linux-image-dev-sun8i" instead of the virtual package "linux-image-4.10.0-sun8i" "linux-image-4.9.4-sun8i" exists in the package database, but it is not a real package and no package provides it. The following packages will be REMOVED: linux-image-next-sunxi 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 48.8 MB will be freed. (Reading database ... ^M(Reading database ... 5%^M(Reading database ... 10%^M(Reading database ... 15%^M(Reading database ... 20%^M(Reading database ... 25%^M(Reading database ... 30%^M(Reading database ... 35%^M(Reading database ... 40%^M(Reading database ... 45%^M(Reading database ... 50%^M(Reading database ... 55%^M(Reading database ... 60%^M(Reading database ... 65%^M(Reading database ... 70%^M(Reading database ... 75%^M(Reading database ... 80%^M(Reading database ... 85%^M(Reading database ... 90%^M(Reading database ... 95%^M(Reading database ... 100%^M(Reading database ... 105562 files and directories currently installed.)^M Removing linux-image-next-sunxi (5.27.170427) ...^M update-initramfs: Deleting /boot/initrd.img-4.10.12-sunxi^M "linux-headers-2.6" is a virtual package provided by: linux-headers-sun7i linux-headers-sun5i linux-headers-sun4i You must choose one to install. Note: selecting "linux-headers-sun8i" instead of the virtual package "linux-headers-3.4.113-sun8i" "linux-headers-3.4.112-sun8i" exists in the package database, but it is not a real package and no package provides it. The following packages will be REMOVED: linux-headers-next-sunxi 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded. Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 73.0 MB will be freed Yes, I know it is stupid but I rebooted again and ended up with: *** ERROR: 'serverip' not set missing encironment variable: bootfile Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/default-arm Speed: 1000, full duplex *** ERROR: 'serverip' not set missing encironment variable: bootfile Retrieving file: pxelinux.cfg/default-arm Speed: 1000, full duplex *** ERROR: 'serverip' not set Config file not found Speed: 1000, full duplex BOOTP boradcast 1 BOOTP boradcast 2 DHCP client bound to address (2189 ms) Zsubg tgerber q01c50000 decie TFTP from server; our IP address is; sending through gateway Filename 'boot.scr.uing'. Load address: 0x43100000 Loading: T T T T T T T T T T Retry cound exceeded; starting again sunxi# For the case it is already to late to fix this with "two or three commands" I would at least try to understand what was causing the problem: why "Failed to setup dm-crypt key mapping" today? Thx a lot for all helping comments and sorry again for the long description. sj7
  14. Hi all, any advice to enable i2s audio in mainline kernel? I'm on 5.23 cubietruck mainline v4.8.6. Cant find any reference to write DTS...any help would be appreciated. Thank you
  15. I'm currently running ARMBIAN 5.25 Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 4.10.12-sunxi on my Cubietruck, which otherwise works fine as a headless data and media server. However, as I don't need any Bluetooth service whatsoever in the given environment, I have been trying to get rid of it - in vain. Is there a safe and lasting method of preventing the Bluetooth module from loading on reboot? Can it be stripped from the system at all completely? Many thanx in advance
  16. Does anybody got the SPI Bus working on cubietruck. I have a /dev/spi32764 device (for SPI2) after changing dts/dtb file. but ioctl always returns -1. Same test program worked with legacy kernel. Is there anything else todo?
  17. Hi! I had serveral errors with my Cubietruck running Ubuntu 16.04 Vanilla Kernel. The system is installed on a hard-disc. There were some filesystem-error which fsck could repair. But I still have some errors. root@cubianx:~# systemctl --failed UNIT LOAD ACTIVE SUB DESCRIPTION ● apparmor.service loaded failed failed LSB: AppArmor initialization ● systemd-modules-load.service loaded failed failed Load Kernel Modules LOAD = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded. ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB. SUB = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type. 2 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too. To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'. root@cubianx:~# root@cubianx:~# /lib/systemd/systemd-modules-load Failed to find module 'gpio_sunxi' Failed to find module 'sunxi-ir' Failed to find module 'spi_sun7i' Failed to find module 'ap6210' root@cubianx:~# I don't know what these errors mean and how to repair them.
  18. How can I change to a ramdisk in Cubietruck? I have seen in boot folder that are a uinitrd file. How can I start from it? Default is zIimage, right? Leonardo
  19. I'm using Armbian 5.27 with BRANCH=default BOARD=cubietruck RELEASE=jessie BUILD_DESKTOP=no Sometimes bluetooth fail to start, are there some way to fix it? Leonardo
  20. Hey, after making sure that all packages are current (armbianmobitor upload available at http://sprunge.us/Migh)I still have the problem currently that my three cubietruicks freeze after working 1-3 days. Mostly they are still ping-able, but no "heartbeat led blinking" happens anymore and SSH connect also not possible. The logs simply say nothing. Is there anything knows with uboot 5.23 in case ob unstability? The last uboot I remember that was quite stable was 5.20 ... Can I simply downgrade to that using sudo apt-get install linux-u-boot-cubietruck-next=5.20 or such? Thanks for an advice... Ingo Fischer
  21. Hi, I a couple of days ago, I picked up the Mainline 4.9.7 Jessie image. It ran flawlessly untill last night when I installed samba/minidlna and mounted my hdds (3 usb hdds on a powered USB3 hub and 1 sata 3.5in hdd). When the minidlna was updating its library and keeping cpu usage up and while I was doing some network traffic the CT froze. I thought this was a physical network issue and I bonded the wlan0 and eth0 so that wlan0 acts as backup when eth0 is down. Usually I log on with ssh and keep this headless, but I remembered that I had the tv connected to the hdmi. I attached a pic (sorry for the quality) of the error message. It seems some sort of kernel panic. Can anyone please let me know if this is a known issue? or where to dig further? Please let me know if I can provide more info on this. Thanks!
  22. I have a windows 7 laptop and the A20 cubietruck board with Mainline 4.9.7 Debian Jessie and I need to achieve an ssh connection between them via a wireless router.On cubietruck I have installed opnssh-client and openssh-server and have checked that it listens to port 22. On windows I try with putty to connect to board via ssh. The connection is done , I give username and password but then it freezes and I cannot access any of the folders of the debian. I also tried the mobaxterm but the same result. Does anyone has an idea of what I have done wrong?
  23. Hi all, I have applied 12 V to the DC input of my Cubietruck (bad thing). So now I want to repair / recover everything possible... Both DC-in and battery input seem to be short-circuited, but I cannot find the exact position. Power via USB-OTG works (successful boot). The fuse directly after the input has almost zero resistance (which is good) and I have checked all visible power-related parts (doc here) with a microscope (nothing looks burned, as far as I can tell all diodes/resistors/... work as they should). When checking the resistance of DC-in to ground it gives me 1,5 kOhm with a multimeter (don't have a second one here, but I guess its voltage is ~0.5 to 1V). In the PMU docs it says the PMU can handle over-voltage up to 11 V ( ). Still I hope a short 12V-input hasn't instantly killed the PMU, as USB power works (iirc also linked to MPU). Is there anything I can try to check / fix / replace apart from the PMU? Thanks for answers.
  24. Hi, since one the last two kernel updates I experience random out of memory scenarious on my Cubietruck. Up until then all was fine. When Oom Killer kicks in the following is logged: ........................................ ........................................ Is there a possibility to rollback the kernel and associated packages to 5.23? Where to find these and how to downgrade then? I am currently running 5.26 and am pretty sure that this started with 5.25. Yes, the system was unchanged - I also removed some services but can not nail it down. Any help to get the root cause for this is also greately appreciated - what logs / command output to provide here? Thanks!
  25. ____ _ _ _ _ / ___| _| |__ (_) ___| |_ _ __ _ _ ___| | __ | | | | | | '_ \| |/ _ \ __| '__| | | |/ __| |/ / | |__| |_| | |_) | | __/ |_| | | |_| | (__| < \____\__,_|_.__/|_|\___|\__|_| \__,_|\___|_|\_\ Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.27 stable Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 3.4.113-sun7i System load: 0.92 Up time: 1 min Memory usage: 4 % of 984Mb IP: CPU temp: 34°C Usage of /: 15% of 7.2G How can I change this logo?
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