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  1. Hello! I have installed on Armbian 24.8.1 noble (ubuntu 24.04) . Also I have enabled "UARTa" , "UARTc" in armbian-config utility. In /boot/armbianEnv.txt file: overlays=uartA uartC for enable UART port. There are many files /dev/ttyS[0-7] exists. After this I try connected to this ports, but no success (minicom -D /dev/ttySx). Python sripts with pyserial module output: "i/o error". The same problem I have noticed with previous versions of Armbian. I have checked on other distributive (Khadas version of ubuntu server) the uart port is worked fine. Does Armbian supports Khadas VIM3 UART?
  2. Hi, I am new to Armbian, and I don't know how to control VIM3's GPIOs. Can someone help me please? I have Armbian bookworm 24.5.1, kernel 6.6.32-current-meson. Thank you!
  3. I've spent the entire morning trying to boot armbian on a vim 3 basic. It won't boot from sdcard. I erased the emmc with krescue, no change except now it doesn't boot anything, except the krescue sdcard. I put the armbian image on a USB stick and tried to flash it to emmc With krescue but krescue says it's an invalid vim 3 image. I verified the Sha and I also tried using the extracted dot img file. Which isn't recognized by krescue. How do I boot an sdcard or flash the emmc When none of these things work? The only thing that boots now is the krescue sdcard. What am I doing incorrectly? What else can I try?
  4. I was going to install armbian on a new vim 3 board but it seems that krescue no longer exists. Is there another way to install armbian to a vim 3? Does the vim 4 have the same problem?
  5. I'd like to use GPU OpenCL acceleration (afaik OpenCL on NPU isn't supported at all for now?) on headless armbian and I'm getting "No devices found in platform" in clinfo. Could you clarify whether armbian has support for this and I'm missing something (kernel flags? userspace driver? some kinda nonfree blob?), or there's no support and I should move onto another distro? Thanks
  6. Hi, I just wanted to report how I got Armbian 23.8.1 working on my Khadas VIM3 Pro board. It was not an out-of-the-box success story, but after a few nights of debugging, I found the cause and fix of the issue. Hopefully this post will save debugging time of somebody else and maybe this can be fixed in future Armbian releases. The issue is as follows: After flashing the Armbian 23.8.1 image to the VIM3's internal EMMC storage, the SBC boots fine initially. I walk through the setup-process of users/passwords/network/locale, etc... After the set-up completes, I reboot the SBC. It starts booting as usual, but when X.org starts, my monitor stops receiving any signal and goes to sleep. I tried these images: 1. Armbian_23.8.1_Khadas-vim3_bookworm_current_6.1.50_cinnamon_desktop.oowow.img.xz 2. Armbian_23.8.1_Khadas-vim3_bookworm_current_6.1.50.oowow.img.xz (installed X.org and XFCE manually afterwards) 3. Pretty sure I had the same problem with Jammy based images, however I saw @NicoD using them without issues on Youtube. Eventually, I found out from the X.org logs that it was displaying to another output device: [ 37.633] (II) xfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card1) [ 37.633] (II) Platform probe for /sys/devices/platform/f4e5b000.framebuffer/drm/card1 [ 37.634] (II) xfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0) [ 37.634] (II) Platform probe for /sys/devices/platform/soc/ff900000.vpu/drm/card0 [ 37.643] (II) xfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card2) [ 37.643] (II) Platform probe for /sys/devices/platform/soc/ffe40000.gpu/drm/card2 [ 37.647] (II) no primary bus or device found [ 37.647] falling back to /sys/devices/platform/f4e5b000.framebuffer/drm/card1 ... [ 37.665] (II) modeset(0): using drv /dev/dri/card1 [ 37.676] (II) modeset(G0): using drv /dev/dri/card0 [ 37.676] (==) modeset(0): Depth 24, (==) framebuffer bpp 32 [ 37.676] (**) modeset(0): Option "AccelMethod" "glamor" It defaulted to /dev/dri/card1 which is the simpledrm framebuffer output introduced in recent kernel versions. By updating the X.org config file, I was able to force it selecting /dev/dri/card0 instead, however, according to the modeset man page this should be the default. Section "Device" Identifier "DRM Graphics Acclerated" ## Use modesetting and glamor Driver "modesetting" Option "AccelMethod" "glamor" ### "glamor" to enable 3D acceleration, "none" to disable. Option "DRI" "2" Option "Dri2Vsync" "true" Option "TripleBuffer" "True" ## End glamor configuration Option "kmsdev" "/dev/dri/card0" EndSection ... I still found the performance of the desktop a bit sluggish. Maybe this is because the second Glamor/DRM enabled output still exists. I was able to completely get rid of the SimpleDRM output using the following commands and reboot: echo "blacklist simpledrm" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/simpledrm.conf sudo update-initramfs -u Now, X.org works as expected. I also disabled the XFCE Compositor, which made de desktop perform much better. Firefox (with GPU enabled) shows some graphics artifacts which are gone after disabling hardware acceleration. Hope that this will help somebody.
  7. Hello! I have installed Armbian Bookworm on Khadas VIM3. Also I have enabled "UARTa" , "UARTc" in armbian-config utility. After reboot in file /boot/armbienEnv.txt I have checked options about uart (uarc). Also there are many files /dev/ttyS[0-7] exists. After this I try to connect "minicom -D /dev/ttyS0" (ttyS0, S1, and S3 etc). But no answer from my device on pins 15,16 OR 18,19 (this is a UARTA,UARTC, UART linux). Python sripts pyserial output: "i/o error". Does Armbian (Bookworm or Jammy) supports Khadas VIM3 UART? Are there successful cases? One more question: On Ubuntu Server files /dev/ttyS* are absent. However Khadas supports UART (on https://docs.khadas.com/products/sbc/common/applications/gpio/uart ) Thank you!
  8. Hello folks. I am thinking about getting a VIM3 or VIM4 as a PC for computation purposes. I think Monero mining shows the limit of a combination of memory + cpu. The higher the more performant the combination of memory + cpu is. My choice is currently between a board like VIM3 or VIM4 or a desktop i5 9th gen. I will be thankful if an owner can xmrig monero mining software to do a benchmark. So to do the benchmark one should: - Download xmrig - Run a benchmark and submit it: https://xmrig.com/docs/miner/benchmark The benchmark will be available in the benchmarks page in xmrig website. Note that there should be enough free memory and xmrig must be run as root(or somehow you give xmrig access to use hugepages).
  9. Hi guys. I'm the maintainer for the Khadas VIM3. There are 2 small issue's with the Armbian images for VIM3, and also for VIM2. armbianmonitor -u http://ix.io/46L9 First off, the VIM3 has all its cores clocked to 1.5Ghz by default. I created a Jira for that a while ago. https://armbian.atlassian.net/browse/AR-1094 My simple fix is in /etc/default/cpufrequtils MAX_SPEED=15xxxxxxx → MAX_SPEED=2400000 But I have no idea how/where to adjust this so it is correct for all VIM3 images. Then for VIM2 and VIM3 (maybe VIM3L and VIM1 too) the HDMI audio isn't working as it should. https://armbian.atlassian.net/browse/AR-1095 I once was able to make it work. But I can't remember how. So the device is enabled at boot, but not directed to be used by pulseaudio. Thank you.
  10. Hello, is it possible to add support for TS050 original LCD touchscreen in Armbian? How I can check tochscreen, is there any CLI tools? Thank you in advance.
  11. I seem to have broken my vim3. What image do I flash using the usb flashing tool to make it boot and not have the light flashing fast? Thanks
  12. I was trying Jammy (autobuild) with kerenl 5.15.18 on Khadas Vim3 4GB RAM, but is does not start, no HDMI output, no LED activity. Then I tried Hirsute with kerenl 5.13 and that boots fine, but after update new kernel (5.15) and also u-boot is installed and then it does not start again. My solution for now is to boot Hirsute with 5.13 and replace all edge packages with current (linux-dtb-current-meson64, linux-image-current-meson64, and linux-u-boot-khadas-vim3-current). This downgrades the kernel to 5.10.81, but the board can be updated and boots fine.
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