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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, picked up a Rock 5b+ as it looked like the exact right board hardware wise and the rk3588 is getting a reasonable amount of support and happy to see it's officially supported by Armbian. Was able to build and flash the UEFI image and boot into the Fedora installer which would allow a RAID install but unfortunately it doesn't support either the PCIe bifurcation needed for both m.2 slots to work or the hardware acceleration for transcoding. It looks like there's progress being made by Collabora so eventually mainline support should be good enough but for now I'm looking to use Armbian with the BSP kernel as able to boot into it with both drives being detected. Had a look but couldn't seem to find any guides on how to install Armbian to two mirrored drives, could probably get by with one drive but it's going to be located at my parent's house 100 miles away so ideally would want to avoid a failed SSD needing an impromptu day's travel when I'm revising for exams! Happy to learn the build process, manual copy file trees, edit fstab and boot parameters, etc but could do with being pointed in the right direction or at least know if it's a lost cause. It looks like uboot supports mirrored boot disks, and Debian definitely does, so feels like it should be possible even if it's not a typical install. Thanks!
  2. Hey Everyone, I'm sorry if this has been answered elsewhere. I recently purchased a Radxa Rock 5B+ and I installed the debian bookworm test build provided by radxa on there getting started page. https://docs.radxa.com/en/rock5/rock5b/getting-started/install-os/boot_from_sd_card https://github.com/radxa-build/rock-5b-plus-6_1/releases/download/rsdk-t4/rock-5b-plus-6_1_bookworm_kde_t4.output.img.xz I was mainly intent on using the HDMI with gstreamer using custom resolutions, but found that when using custom resolutions they cannot use the YCrCb pixel format only RGB8. It seems based on the following comment that RGB8 videoconvert hardware acceleration is missing from the default GPU drivers so one needs custom drivers. https://forum.radxa.com/t/hdmi-input-on-rock-5b/16242/4 https://forum.radxa.com/t/rk3588-kodi-rkmpp-accelerated-decoding-working-out-of-box/12785 Looking at the ppa they want you to add it seems like it only supports ubuntu and reading more they recommend you install armbian jammy on the rock 5B. I did find one github repo that appears to have the raw scripts related to rockchip-multimedia-config and a folder called debian https://github.com/amazingfate/rockchip-multimedia-config But looking at the files it seems like it relies on the device-tree files, which I feel may be different between the 5B and 5B+. So my two questions are 1) is there a working build of armbian ubuntu jammy or noble, that will install on the Rock 5B+ and work as well as it does for the Rock 5B. 2) Does anyone know if the rockchip-multimedia-config ppa with custom drivers will work on the Rock 5B+ ? Any other tips you all may have would be much appreciated. If I can provide any more details from my end just let me know.
  3. Hi all, https://paste.armbian.com/koqimivaro vendor kernel boots, detects ethernet, wifi & nvme (booting from SD card) and seem to be working well. Also attached are the UART gathered first boot/install logs. I think the SBC accidentally skipped over the root password by resting on the enter key 😁 uart-logs.txt
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