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I am building from source using the vagrant process, as outlined here: https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Using-Vagrant/


When running ./compile.sh, I get the option to customize the kernel via dialog and I did select some customizations. When saving the config, I choose the default `.config` as output. However, when running `./compile.sh` a second time, all the settings are back at default and I can not find any `.config` file anywhere in the tree.



vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~/armbian$ tree output
├── config
│   └── linux-rockchip64-current.config
├── debs
│   ├── armbian-config_19.11.9_all.deb
│   ├── armbian-firmware-full_19.11.9_all.deb
│   ├── armbian-firmware_19.11.9_all.deb
│   ├── buster
│   │   ├── armbian-buster-desktop_19.11.9_all.deb
│   │   └── linux-buster-root-current-rock64_19.11.9_arm64.deb
│   ├── extra
│   ├── linux-dtb-current-rockchip64_19.11.9_arm64.deb
│   ├── linux-headers-current-rockchip64_19.11.9_arm64.deb
│   ├── linux-image-current-rockchip64_19.11.9_arm64.deb
│   ├── linux-source-current-rockchip64_19.11.9_all.deb
│   └── linux-u-boot-current-rock64_19.11.9_arm64.deb
├── debs-beta
│   └── extra
├── debug
│   ├── compilation.log
│   ├── compiler.log
│   ├── install.log
│   ├── installed-packages-buster.list
│   ├── logs-.tgz
│   ├── logs-30_01_2020-17_09_53.tgz
│   ├── logs-30_01_2020-17_14_25.tgz
│   ├── logs-30_01_2020-17_15_51.tgz
│   ├── logs-30_01_2020-17_16_04.tgz
│   ├── logs-30_01_2020-17_20_34.tgz
│   ├── logs-30_01_2020-17_26_32.tgz
│   ├── logs-31_01_2020-13_12_45.tgz
│   ├── output.log
│   ├── patching.log
│   └── timestamp
├── images
│   ├── Armbian_19.11.9_Rock64_buster_current_5.4.16.img
│   └── Armbian_19.11.9_Rock64_buster_current_5.4.16.img.txt
└── patch

vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~/armbian$ tree userpatches
├── Dockerfile
├── Vagrantfile
├── atf
│   ├── atf-rk3399
│   ├── atf-rockchip64
│   └── atf-sunxi64
├── config-default.conf -> config-example.conf
├── config-docker.conf
├── config-example.conf
├── config-vagrant.conf
├── customize-image.sh
├── kernel
│   ├── imx6-current
│   ├── meson64-current
│   ├── meson64-dev
│   ├── meson64-legacy
│   ├── mt7623-legacy
│   ├── mvebu-current
│   ├── mvebu-dev
│   ├── mvebu-legacy
│   ├── mvebu64-current
│   ├── mvebu64-dev
│   ├── mvebu64-legacy
│   ├── odroidxu4-current
│   ├── odroidxu4-legacy
│   ├── rk3399-legacy
│   ├── rockchip-current
│   ├── rockchip-legacy
│   ├── rockchip64-current
│   ├── rockchip64-dev
│   ├── rockchip64-legacy
│   ├── rockpis-legacy
│   ├── s5p6818-legacy
│   ├── sunxi-current
│   ├── sunxi-dev
│   └── sunxi-legacy
├── misc
├── overlay
├── rock64.conf
└── u-boot
    ├── u-boot-helios4
    ├── u-boot-imx6
    ├── u-boot-imx7d
    ├── u-boot-meson
    ├── u-boot-meson64
    ├── u-boot-mt7623
    ├── u-boot-mvebu
    ├── u-boot-mvebu-dev
    ├── u-boot-mvebu-next
    ├── u-boot-mvebu64
    ├── u-boot-odroidn2
    ├── u-boot-odroidxu4
    ├── u-boot-rk3399
    ├── u-boot-rockchip
    ├── u-boot-rockchip64
    ├── u-boot-rockchip64-dev
    ├── u-boot-s5p6818
    ├── u-boot-sun50iw2
    ├── u-boot-sun50iw6
    └── u-boot-sunxi

vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~/armbian$ tree /tmp/
├── headers-debian-byteshift.patch
├── systemd-private-e9159b9661b4464181744cd8fd1f8045-systemd-resolved.service-iF9CdM [error opening dir]
├── tmp.90M3rBtEQs
├── tmp.KebGKiskk9
├── tmp.PEIvp4IFHe
├── tmp.pHeo3L7lGP
└── vagrant-shell



No files in `userpatches` are changed since before running the compile.



Reading https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/#providing-build-configuration suggests new config files should be generated but I can't locate any. The files in userpatches are untocuhed.


I do see `./output/config/linux-rockchip64-current.config` - this seems to contain kernel config (I did a build for rockchip64 here). Is this what I'm looking for? If so, how do I reuse this in a sustainable way?


Lastly, do I get it right if by default I should put generic customizations in `./userpatches/config-default.conf` and board-specific ones in e.g. `./userpatches/rock64.conf`? (Asking since docs seem to be very out of date wrt directory structure)


Edited by TRS-80
put long code in spoiler

Just copy linux-rockchip64-current.config after your configurations from ./output/config/ to ./userpatches/ and it will be reused for the same family (ie boards within rockchip64 family, but not rk3399)

On 2/1/2020 at 6:35 PM, MaxT said:

Just copy linux-rockchip64-current.config after your configurations from ./output/config/ to ./userpatches/ and it will be reused for the same family (ie boards within rockchip64 family, but not rk3399)


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