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First time trying Armbian on my N2. I know N2 is very picky with HDMI cables, I tried a bunch of HDMI cables and couldn't make it work thru any my HDMI switches(1080p). I had to connect it directly to the HDMI ports on my TV to get video signal. My Samsung TV is a 65inch 4k capable of handling 1080p resolutions with my other arm64 devices(C4, Rpi4, Rockpro64 and N2+) without any issues. Unfortunately, despite of setting resolution to 1080p60(setenv hdmimode "1080p60hz"), disabling auto detection(setenv display_autodetect "false") and setting HDP=true(setenv disablehpd "true") on boot.ini, it keeps ignoring these settings. Just to make sure, I edited both "boot.ini" under /boot/ and /usr/share/armbian directories.

My problem is, it defaults to 4K resolution which is painfully small for my eyes. I need 1080p 60hz.

Also, trying to follow instructions from:


where it says:

"How to change screen resolution?
armbian-config -> system -> Display (Set the display resolution)"


Just to realized armbian-config does NOT have this option anymore.

I tried with RandR also without success because the only detected resolution is: 3840 x 2160

Obviously, since there's No HW, I couldn't adjust display resolution on XFCE Desktop under display settings either. The only available resolution was: 3840 x 2160


Version I tried:

Focal desktop stable 5.6.y 715Mb 2020-06-15

Booting from uSD w/ Sandisk Extreme 32Gb flashed via etcher.


I flashed it 3 times just to make sure. Tried w/ 2 different brands of new microsd cards as well. A Sandisk Extreme and Sandisk extreme pro, both 32gb & A1 Class.

I also tried another Sony 4K 55 TV with the same results. Both of my TV's work just fine on my N2 4Gb with 64bit Ubuntu 20.04 w/ 5.7 kernel running Gnome/Wayland at 1080p resolution.


Why is it ignoring boot.ini settings? is there some other file I need to change to?

Edited by gospa_noob
forgot to add something relevant

There's an issue with 5.6 kernel. I downloaded Focal desktop w/ 4.9.y kernel and worked great, out of the box, using the same micro sd cards. I'm stuck with an ancient kernel, but something is better than nothing. BTW, very speedy and stable OS, and that's running from uSD. Will install it on eMMC.

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