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Clone eMMC orangepiplus2e


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Hello, i have an  orangepiplus2e with Linux orangepiplus2e 4.19.38-sunxi #5.85 SMP Wed May 8 14:20:48 CEST 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux [9.9] on eMMC

I would like clone eMMC on my computer or SD card. 

I can access in SSH

Can you help me ?

sorry for my English

Thank you 


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24 minutes ago, xavax said:

It's difficult ! I can save to SD card and if I buy a new Orange PI can I transfer and boot to the new EMMC? and then I remove the SD card?


Yes. Make an image of your eMMC(or clone to sd). Write it on an sd-card. Then you can either boot with sd-card and clone to eMMC, or write the image with another working sd-card image.
You could use gnome-disks. To install sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility.
Open by opening disks in settings or write gnome-disks in terminal.
Then choose your eMMC and choose create disk image. Choose the location.

It could be good to minimize the partition size with gparted by running an armbian image on sd, open gparted and resize the eMMC volume so not too much unused space is used. Then after back-up you can change that again.

I don't know if this is the best way to do this, it is the simplest to my knowledge. Greetings. 

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