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Problems Vanilla Kernel Cubietruck


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Hello Everybody,


Iḿ using a Cubietruck (Cubieboard3)


I ve tried to install the Jessie Server and the Xenial Server with the vanilla Kernel. Both effords failed. The bootprocess from SD Card starts, but it dosen t come to an end. The following things happen:

In the beginning there is a short warning regarding mmc. After that the bootprocess starts, but then the message "Running /script/local-block..done" appers many times. Then there is another error message and the process starts from the beginning. Details in the picture.


I don t think that the SD Card or the Cubieboard is the problem, because the Jessie Server with the legacy kernel and the old cubian are running.


Has anybody an idea what is going on there?


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'95 percent of Armbian booting problems are either caused by insufficient powering problems, broken SD cards or broken burning processes' is still true.


I was reminded of this just recently when trying to boot a BPi M2+ powered through the USB port of 2 Lime2. Using Lime2's right USB port, the kernel crashes on BPi M2+ pretty early and I got a constant reboot loop, using the Lime2's left USB port everything is ok. In other words: Underpowering might be an issue (maybe our vanilla kernel images use different settings that lead to higher peak consumption while booting?), broken SD card might be an issue (all hardware dies, the question is just when symptoms start to appear) or a broken burn process (caused by overheating card readers and stuff like that -- there's a reason we recommend testing card and burn process using F3 or H2testw :) )

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