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Hi All,


@tkaiser mentions in this thread http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1193-orange-pi-plus-2e-now-available/ the lima-memtester utility, requesting tests for the Orange Pi Plus 2E.


Unfortunately I do not have a Orange Pi Plus 2E, I have however just received 10x Orange Pi Lite's and 2x Orange Pi PC+'s.


Would it be useful to the project if I run this utility on all / some of my devices?


Assuming yes and noting the comment: 



No 'spinning cube' --> no heat/load --> no results that matter.

Do I need to run a desktop image with the HDMI plugged into a monitor?


Also do I need provide some extra information to uniquely identify each board or will this happen automatically? 




Three things to mention:

  • lima-memtester does currently not work on any H3 boards with more than 1 GB DRAM (so no tests possible on Plus 2E or Plus 2)
  • Jens Kuske (jemk) sent a patch that might improve DRAM reliability greatly: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/linux-sunxi/OZe9uFuT8Io
  • We already have a lot of results for Orange Pi PC and Lite and from an Armbian point of view simply use 624 MHz for all H3 boards except NanoPi NEO (single bank DRAM config and 408 MHz max)

So currently testing is not needed. Let's wait and see what happens here: https://github.com/ssvb/lima-memtester/issues/2


If the issues are resolved maybe I will provide an updated test image -- see post #4 here http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1322-testers-wanted-testing-dram-reliability-on-bpi-m2-and-nanopi-m1/




That's ok, I didn't want to generate a a bunch of results if they were no going to provide value, on the other hand I was willing to generate them if it would be helpful.


I am not having any issues with the current settings on my devices, probably because of the great work done by people like yourself.




Well, things have changed in the meantime, so in case you want to give it a try: http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1322-testers-wanted-testing-dram-reliability-on-bpi-m2-and-nanopi-m1/?view=getlastpost


But the whole procedure would only be useful to test whether Jens' patch works, that means trying out the old settings (see OS image and archive in post #4 here) and in case any of your board fails 'early' then retrying it again with the u-boot packages I provided today.

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