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I am currently trying to get sending IR commands from my CubieTruck working. I am using Igors Armbian_4.2_Cubietruck_Debian_jessie_3.4.108 image. But it seems like the modules are not initialised in a way that they also can send since irsend returns errors that this device does not support sending. I tried it with the hardware.conf from the image aswell as with the hardware.conf and init.d file from https://github.com/matzrh/sunxi-lirc/wiki. Apparently, I have to do "echo $GPIO-Number > /sys/class/lirc_gpio/tx_gpio_pin" which I did with the right pin so in theory, the driver should be set up the way it is supposed to be. Yet still irsend throws errors.


Can anybody give me a hint on how to set up the IR sending over GPIO properly?


p.s.: Unrelated to this, but maybe generally interesting: Apparently, when GPIO-Pin 2 exists, it automatically binds to wl_host_wake - which obviously is generally annoying if you want to work with that gpio.



I have the same problem as you. Have you advance or abandoned?

I think for this to work you must change  script.bin in order to setup an output pin.

to configure the module it is possible to add this line in modules.conf

lirc_gpio gpio_out_pin=1

This'll load modules automatically at boot and select the output pin.


I'm currently trying the modules with LEDs on the board before using an infrared LED because it allows me not to add hardware.


In the end, I went for another approach: I still had a STM32F-programmer around so I equiped that with https://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/IRMP_auf_STM32_-_ein_USB_IR_Empf%C3%A4nger/Sender/Einschalter_mit_Wakeup-Timer#Introductionand now use that to send and receive commands. It's not pretty, but it does what I need until I find a fix that makes the normal IR work - though the current changelog suggests that IR should work now with armbian.

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