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Posted (edited)


The problem with WIFI was on images based on ubuntu. I had a problem both with the official image (from the armbian.com site) and with the one I build myself.
Thus the image on a debian worked fine. 

According to user reviews, fresh builds on debian also do not work.
To solve the problem, you need to reinstall "armbian-firmware-full" package. It can be downloaded directly from the Armbian repository https://imola.armbian.com/apt/pool/main/a/armbian-firmware-full/armbian-firmware-full_22.11.4_all.deb) and written to a sd card via the lan network or via a USB flash drive.

Just "sudo dpkg -i armbian-firmware-full_22.11.4_all.deb" solve the problem.

Edited by tipine9824

Test it with 23.02:

- Armbian_23.02.2_Orangepi3-lts_bullseye_current_5.15.93_minimal.img 

- Armbian_23.02.2_Orangepi3-lts_jammy_current_5.15.93_minimal.img

WIFI works without problems.

Posted (edited)

Also tried Tipine9824's armbian-firmware debian package. No luck with Armbian_23.02.2_Orangepi3-lts_jammy_current_5.15.93.img.xz.


You used the minimal images, do you think that affected anything?

Edit: Got it working using the bullseye package, so I guess that's the solution for now.

Edited by Afschuld
Posted (edited)

My Orange Pi 3 LTS can detect Wi-Fi SSIDs but won't connect to my Wi-Fi btw I'm using Armbian 23.2 Jammy XFCE 

Edited by alfrodd
Posted (edited)

I read the entirety of this topic and would like to report a detail that was not mentioned as far as I know. I tried all possible cli, GUI that confirmed what is decribed before. I even tried ManjaroARM with kernel version 6, what didn't help much. What I will describe was made with Armbian 23.2 Jammy XFCE.


It was said many times here that the WiFi "doesn't work" (WiFi card detected, available networks detected, but when we enter the WiFi key, it hangs too long, then fail). The detail I noticed is that before trying to connect to WiFi for the first time, Bluetooth work like a charm (linking devices, files sharing, etc.). After trying the WiFi connection, Bluetooth cannot be used anymore, and this is a permanent thing.


This is just an observation, hoping it might be useful in case somebody would have the courage to debug that. If there is any data I can provide that would be useful, please ask.



Edited by smonff
Adding more details about distro, etc.

Hi everyone,


I've been beating my head against my keyboard for a few days and several hours now regarding this issue with wireless connectivity on my newly acquired Orange Pi 3 LTS. Thank you to everyone here for inputting things to try! I'm working to get OctoPrint running on Armbian, so I did use the Armbian build provided on https://www.obico.io/, so that may play into this fix I found that worked for me. I'm running Armbian 23.02.2 Bullseye with Linux 5.15.93-sunxi64.


Here is everything I did and I'm hoping I can help others!


From the start, I plugged directly into my router via LAN so that I could get updated and stuff. I will bullet everything I did below (habit from working in helpdesk and ticketing systems for years):


  • I installed the distro as normal; flashing the SD and installing and all that.
  • Once installed I updated and upgraded everything via apt-get update and apt-get upgrade.
  • Ran armbian-config and updated all firmware from the system configuration area.
  • I then performed the following commands (thanks to u/satanner1s on Reddit):
    • sudo apt-get install -y iw wpasupplicant
      • This isn't incredibly necessary, however, I just wanted to make sure I had everything I needed.
    • sudo iw dev
      • To confirm the wireless hardware is being detected at all, and it was.
    • sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
      • Modify this file with the following info:







  • I tabbed before SSID, psk, and key_mgmt, however, not sure if it makes a difference. SSID will be your wireless ssid and password is your wireless password. Once entered, hit control+x and y to save the file.
    • Start wpa_supplicant using:

      sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

    • Then get an IP with: sudo dhclient wlan0

      • I set a static IP on my router for the mac of my Orange Pi

  • Once all of that is done, you can run ip address to confirm you have an IP for both you LAN and WLAN adapters.
  • If you confirm WLAN has an IP you can disconnect LAN.
  • Now, the key is to have this run each time you start your Pi so we'll need to do the following:
    • sudo nano /etc/rc.local
    • You need to add the following lines to this file:
      • sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

      • sudo dhclient wlan0

    • Ctrl+x to save the file. This will run every time you boot your pi, which will connect to wifi and get your IP from your router. You can reboot to test this now.

I really hope this helps someone else out there because this has been quite the frustrating (but fun) experience! :D 



So far, armbian jammy image with wifi. I've tried using bullseye cli, then add desktop environment, the wifi work well. However, no sound coming out from hdmi. I've also tried using images from official orange pi, the ubuntu image initially works well with both wifi and sound working well. However, after sudo apt update and upgrade, only wifi is working, no sound from hdmi. sound from 3.5 jack works well though. 


All problems with Wi-Fi due to the fact that it is turned off in the kernel!

Check the config in the /boot/ folder - must be enabled: "Device Drivers - Network Device Support - Wireless LAN - Unisoc wireless Support - UNISOC WCN Device Drivers(for new chip...) - allwinner board Support for uwe5622"

and may need "UWE5622 Wi-Fi Driver"

After that, the wifi appears among the "iw dev" devices, otherwise it is not there.


I hava installed the armbian bookworm 23.5 in www.armbian.org. After I type `nmcli device status`, wlan0 can't be found as the orangepi official bullseye does and there are just a 'end0' and a 'lo'. However, wlan0 shows up when I use armbian bullseye 23.02. I try to build armbian bookworm myself, following github.com/armbian/build, enabling "UWE5622 Wi-Fi Driver" in the kernel just as @zhivoi said. But I can't even power my opi 3 lts on using the img file I get from my build.


I hope someone can tell what's going on about the wifi in the armbian bookworm.

Posted (edited)



In Armbian 23.05.1 jammy I installed the kernel version 5.15.93 with the armbian-config:

System -> Other -> I understand -> linux-image-current=5.15.93


I reboot and check the Wi-Fi interface.




But when I try to connect to the Wi-Fi the kernel crashed.


root@orangepi3-lts:~# nmcli dev wifi connect MY_SSID password MY_SECRET
[  103.941273] WCN_ERR: dumpmem_rx_callback open  error no.-21 retry:1
[  104.383062] sunxi-mmc 4021000.mmc: data error, sending stop command
[  104.389447] sdiohal err:dt read fail ret:-110, system_addr=0x4024f000
[  104.397421] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-110
[  104.402930] WCN_ERR: read HCI_ARM_WR_RD_MODE reg error:-1
[  104.408340] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.413669] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.418989] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.424306] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.429624] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.434940] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.440257] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.445573] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.450890] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.456206] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  113.893472] sprdwl:sprdwl_tx_cmd err:-19
[  119.641929] sprdwl:[WIFI_CMD_DISCONNECT]timeout
[  119.646541] sprdwl:ctx_id:0 cmd: WIFI_CMD_DISCONNECT[13] rsp timeout (mstime = 113003), num=26
[  119.655261] sprdwl:sprdwl_atcmd_assert ctx_id:0, cmd_id:13, reason:3, cp_asserted:0
[  119.663117] WCN_ERR: Not dump again!

Error: Connection activation failed: (7) Secrets were required, but not provided.


This is the dmesg full information:


[  103.900192] WCN: mdbg_assert_read:WCN Assert in connect/source/wifi/rom/mac/cmd/cmd_tx_rom.c line 5111, 0,data length 128
[  103.900219] sdiohal:carddump flag set[1]
[  103.900295] sdiohal:disable rx int for dump
[  103.900301] sdiohal:chn8 tx push old, cmdid=25, mstime=102962, record_time=102962
[  103.900317] chn8 tx push old: 00 00 00 00 10 19 49 00 32 92 01 00 00 00 00 00  ......I.2.......
[  103.900324] sdiohal:chn8 tx denq old, cmdid=25, mstime=102962, record_time=102962
[  103.900335] chn8 tx denq old: 80 24 00 08 10 19 49 00 32 92 01 00 00 00 00 00  .$....I.2.......
[  103.900341] sdiohal:chn22 rx dispatch old, cmdid=25, mstime=102962, record_time=102967
[  103.900352] chn22 rx dispatch old: 3f 06 00 0a 00 19 0c 00 32 92 01 00 00 3e 00 00  ?.......2....>..
[  103.900359] sdiohal:chn8 tx push new, cmdid=10, mstime=102967, record_time=102967
[  103.900370] chn8 tx push new: 00 00 00 00 10 0a 5e 00 37 92 01 00 00 00 00 00  ......^.7.......
[  103.900376] sdiohal:chn8 tx denq new, cmdid=10, mstime=102967, record_time=102967
[  103.900387] chn8 tx denq new: 00 2f 00 08 10 0a 5e 00 37 92 01 00 00 00 00 00  ./....^.7.......
[  103.900393] sdiohal:chn22 rx dispatch new, cmdid=10, mstime=102967, record_time=102999
[  103.900405] chn22 rx dispatch new: 3f 06 00 0a 00 0a 0c 00 37 92 01 00 00 3f 00 00  ?.......7....?..
[  103.900507] WCN: dap_sel_btwf_lite DJTAG_DAP_SEL:0x0
[  103.900604] WCN: dap_sel_btwf_lite DJTAG_DAP_SEL:0x2
[  103.900699] WCN: dap_sel_btwf_lite 2:DJTAG_DAP_SEL:0x2
[  103.900793] WCN: apb_eb_lite APB_EB:0x463
[  103.900887] WCN: apb_eb_lite APB_EB:0x463
[  103.900981] WCN: apb_eb_lite 2:APB_EB:0x463
[  103.901075] WCN: check_dap_is_ok :0x24770011
[  103.901083] WCN: btwf dap is ready
[  103.902211] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[0]: 0x0****
[  103.902732] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[1]: 0x1a****
[  103.903249] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[2]: 0x2040000****
[  103.903766] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[3]: 0x1138ec****
[  103.904281] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[4]: 0x1023c2****
[  103.904798] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[5]: 0x10d9ec****
[  103.905313] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[6]: 0x13f7****
[  103.905858] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[7]: 0x2082bc****
[  103.906379] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[8]: 0x20c554****
[  103.906896] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[9]: 0x1997a0****
[  103.907413] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[10]: 0x8d****
[  103.907931] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[11]: 0x403482e8****
[  103.908446] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[12]: 0x10a70f****
[  103.908962] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[13]: 0x117a80****
[  103.909479] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[14]: 0x1068a5****
[  103.910172] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[15]: 0x1023f6****
[  103.910677] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[16]: 0x1000000****
[  103.911037] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[17]: 0x1a0f28****
[  103.911395] WCN: read_core_reg ****R[18]: 0x117a80****
[  103.911400] WCN: ------------[ ARM REG ]------------
[  103.911402] WCN: [R0 ] = 	0x00000000
[  103.911405] WCN: [R1 ] = 	0x0000001a
[  103.911408] WCN: [R2 ] = 	0x02040000
[  103.911411] WCN: [R3 ] = 	0x001138ec
[  103.911414] WCN: [R4 ] = 	0x001023c2
[  103.911418] WCN: [R5 ] = 	0x0010d9ec
[  103.911421] WCN: [R6 ] = 	0x000013f7
[  103.911423] WCN: [R7 ] = 	0x002082bc
[  103.911426] WCN: [R8 ] = 	0x0020c554
[  103.911430] WCN: [R9 ] = 	0x001997a0
[  103.911433] WCN: [R10] = 	0x0000008d
[  103.911436] WCN: [R11] = 	0x403482e8
[  103.911439] WCN: [R12] = 	0x0010a70f
[  103.911442] WCN: [R13] = 	0x00117a80
[  103.911445] WCN: [R14] = 	0x001068a5
[  103.911447] WCN: [R15] = 	0x001023f6
[  103.911450] WCN: [PSR] = 	0x01000000
[  103.911453] WCN: [MSP] = 	0x001a0f28
[  103.911456] WCN: [PSP] = 	0x00117a80
[  103.911459] WCN: ------------[ ARM END ]------------
[  103.911583] WCN: marlin_hold_cpu reset reg val:0x0
[  103.911706] WCN: CP DCACHE ENABLE
[  103.938202] WCN: section[0] [0x100000 0x1e73ff 0x240]
[  103.938224] WCN: section[1] [0x40880000 0x40880053 0xe7640]
[  103.938237] WCN: section[2] [0x4083c000 0x4083c353 0xe7694]
[  103.938250] WCN: section[3] [0x40130000 0x401303ff 0xe79e8]
[  103.938262] WCN: section[4] [0x40088000 0x4008828b 0xe7de8]
[  103.938275] WCN: section[5] [0x40844200 0x40844343 0xe8074]
[  103.938288] WCN: section[6] [0x40844000 0x40844047 0xe81b8]
[  103.938300] WCN: section[7] [0x40140000 0x4014ffff 0xe8200]
[  103.938313] WCN: section[8] [0x400f0000 0x400f011f 0xf8200]
[  103.938325] WCN: section[9] [0x400f1000 0x400fe0ff 0xf8320]
[  103.938338] WCN: section[10] [0x40300000 0x4034a7ff 0x105420]
[  103.938350] WCN: section[11] [0x400a0000 0x400a0057 0x14fc20]
[  103.938363] WCN: section[12] [0x400b0000 0x400b0387 0x14fc78]
[  103.938376] WCN: section[13] [0x400b1000 0x400b1153 0x150000]
[  103.938389] WCN: section[14] [0x400b2000 0x400b2a8b 0x150154]
[  103.938402] WCN: section[15] [0x400b3000 0x400b30af 0x150be0]
[  103.938415] WCN: section[16] [0x400b4000 0x400b4a6f 0x150c90]
[  103.938427] WCN: section[17] [0x400b7000 0x400b7617 0x151700]
[  103.938439] WCN: section[18] [0x40240000 0x402408f3 0x151d18]
[  103.938452] WCN: section[19] [0x40246000 0x40246737 0x15260c]
[  103.938464] WCN: section[20] [0x40248000 0x4024809f 0x152d44]
[  103.938477] WCN: section[21] [0x4024a000 0x4024a21b 0x152de4]
[  103.938490] WCN: section[22] [0x4024f000 0x4024f30f 0x153000]
[  103.938503] WCN: section[23] [0x40200000 0x402001ff 0x153310]
[  103.938516] WCN: section[24] [0x40204000 0x402041ff 0x153510]
[  103.938528] WCN: section[25] [0x40208000 0x402092a3 0x153710]
[  103.938541] WCN: section[26] [0x40200c00 0x4020c343 0x1549b4]
[  103.938554] WCN: section[27] [0x40210000 0x40212fff 0x1600f8]
[  103.938566] WCN: section[28] [0x40214000 0x40216fff 0x1630f8]
[  103.938578] WCN: section[29] [0x40218000 0x402182cf 0x1660f8]
[  103.938591] WCN: section[30] [0x4021c000 0x4021c5bf 0x1663c8]
[  103.938604] WCN: section[31] [0x40241000 0x402413ff 0x166988]
[  103.938616] WCN: section[32] [0x40242000 0x402423ff 0x166d88]
[  103.938629] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.941255] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.941273] WCN_ERR: dumpmem_rx_callback open  error no.-21 retry:1
[  103.949691] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.951775] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.953852] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.955974] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.958193] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.960345] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.962501] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.964651] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.966848] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.969041] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.971346] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.973538] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.975854] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.978194] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.980388] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.982629] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.984823] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.987101] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.989293] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.991582] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.993775] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.996112] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  103.998338] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.000530] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.002778] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.004971] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.007252] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.009240] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.009252] WCN: mdbg dump ram 947200 ok!
[  104.009358] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.009365] WCN: mdbg dump aon ahb 84 ok!
[  104.009545] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.009552] WCN: mdbg dump aon_apb 852 ok!
[  104.009708] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.009715] WCN: mdbg dump btwfahb 1024 ok!
[  104.009886] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.009894] WCN: mdbg dump btwfapb 652 ok!
[  104.010016] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.010024] WCN: mdbg dump aonclk 324 ok!
[  104.010124] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.010132] WCN: mdbg dump predivclk 72 ok!
[  104.012475] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.014868] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.014882] WCN: mdbg dump sdio 65536 ok!
[  104.014978] WCN: enable_cp_pll rd CLK_CTRL0 reg val:0x2fdf
[  104.015276] WCN: enable_cp_pll enable CLK_CTRL0 val:0x2fdf
[  104.015658] WCN: check_wifi_power_domain_ison CHIP_SLP reg val:0xc430
[  104.015667] WCN: WIFI MAC have power down
[  104.016575] WCN: check_wifi_power_domain_ison WIFI_ENABLE reg val:0xa023
[  104.016591] WCN: WIFI_en and wifi_mac_en is disable
[  104.016909] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.019534] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.021184] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.023224] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.025193] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.027364] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.029538] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.031834] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.034041] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.036268] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.038441] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.040574] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.042758] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.044890] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.044898] WCN: mdbg dump wifi 360448 ok!
[  104.044998] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.045005] WCN: dump cp reg section[11] ok!
[  104.045171] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.045177] WCN: dump cp reg section[12] ok!
[  104.045288] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.045294] WCN: dump cp reg section[13] ok!
[  104.045613] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.045619] WCN: dump cp reg section[14] ok!
[  104.045718] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.045724] WCN: dump cp reg section[15] ok!
[  104.046059] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.046066] WCN: dump cp reg section[16] ok!
[  104.046314] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.046322] WCN: dump cp reg section[17] ok!
[  104.046687] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.046694] WCN: mdbg dump fm 2748 ok!
[  104.046939] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.046946] WCN: mdbg dump btacc 2292 ok!
[  104.047154] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.047160] WCN: mdbg dump btjal 1848 ok!
[  104.047255] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.047261] WCN: mdbg dump bthab 160 ok!
[  104.047392] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.047398] WCN: mdbg dump btlejal 540 ok!
[  104.383062] sunxi-mmc 4021000.mmc: data error, sending stop command
[  104.389447] sdiohal err:dt read fail ret:-110, system_addr=0x4024f000
[  104.395926] sdiohal:sdio dump_aon_reg entry
[  104.395968] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x140]:0x6b
[  104.395987] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x141]:0x3c
[  104.396005] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x142]:0xe1
[  104.396023] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x143]:0x0
[  104.396040] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x144]:0x0
[  104.396057] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x145]:0x0
[  104.396074] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x146]:0x0
[  104.396091] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x147]:0x0
[  104.396109] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x148]:0x60
[  104.396126] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x149]:0x0
[  104.396143] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x14a]:0x0
[  104.396160] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x14b]:0x0
[  104.396177] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x14c]:0x0
[  104.396194] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x14d]:0x0
[  104.396211] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x14e]:0x0
[  104.396228] sdiohal:pmu sdio status:[0x14f]:0x0
[  104.396295] sdiohal:cm4d haddr 0:[0x144]:0x0
[  104.396315] sdiohal:cm4d haddr 0:[0x145]:0x80
[  104.396333] sdiohal:cm4d haddr 0:[0x146]:0x19
[  104.396351] sdiohal:cm4d haddr 0:[0x147]:0x0
[  104.396419] sdiohal:cm4i haddr 1:[0x144]:0xe0
[  104.396438] sdiohal:cm4i haddr 1:[0x145]:0x40
[  104.396456] sdiohal:cm4i haddr 1:[0x146]:0x10
[  104.396475] sdiohal:cm4i haddr 1:[0x147]:0x0
[  104.396543] sdiohal:cm4s haddr 2:[0x144]:0x7c
[  104.396561] sdiohal:cm4s haddr 2:[0x145]:0x6
[  104.396579] sdiohal:cm4s haddr 2:[0x146]:0x14
[  104.396597] sdiohal:cm4s haddr 2:[0x147]:0x40
[  104.396665] sdiohal:dmaw haddr 3:[0x144]:0x0
[  104.396683] sdiohal:dmaw haddr 3:[0x145]:0x0
[  104.396702] sdiohal:dmaw haddr 3:[0x146]:0x0
[  104.396720] sdiohal:dmaw haddr 3:[0x147]:0x0
[  104.396788] sdiohal:dmar haddr 4:[0x144]:0x0
[  104.396807] sdiohal:dmar haddr 4:[0x145]:0x0
[  104.396825] sdiohal:dmar haddr 4:[0x146]:0x0
[  104.396843] sdiohal:dmar haddr 4:[0x147]:0x0
[  104.396911] sdiohal:aon_to_ahb haddr 5:[0x144]:0x0
[  104.396929] sdiohal:aon_to_ahb haddr 5:[0x145]:0x0
[  104.396947] sdiohal:aon_to_ahb haddr 5:[0x146]:0x0
[  104.396965] sdiohal:aon_to_ahb haddr 5:[0x147]:0x0
[  104.397033] sdiohal:axi_to_ahb haddr 6:[0x144]:0x4
[  104.397052] sdiohal:axi_to_ahb haddr 6:[0x145]:0xf0
[  104.397070] sdiohal:axi_to_ahb haddr 6:[0x146]:0x24
[  104.397089] sdiohal:axi_to_ahb haddr 6:[0x147]:0x40
[  104.397157] sdiohal:hready_status haddr 7:[0x144]:0xcf
[  104.397175] sdiohal:hready_status haddr 7:[0x145]:0xff
[  104.397194] sdiohal:hready_status haddr 7:[0x146]:0xf9
[  104.397212] sdiohal:hready_status haddr 7:[0x147]:0x70
[  104.397217] sdiohal:val:0xc
[  104.397258] sdiohal:after reset hready status:[0x144]:0xcf
[  104.397275] sdiohal:after reset hready status:[0x145]:0xff
[  104.397292] sdiohal:after reset hready status:[0x146]:0xf9
[  104.397309] sdiohal:after reset hready status:[0x147]:0x70
[  104.397314] sdiohal:sdio dump_aon_reg end

[  104.397316] sdiohal:sdiohal_abort
[  104.397320] sdiohal:carddump flag set[1]
[  104.397348] sdiohal:disable rx int for dump
[  104.397351] sdiohal:chn8 tx push old, cmdid=25, mstime=102962, record_time=102962
[  104.397362] chn8 tx push old: 00 00 00 00 10 19 49 00 32 92 01 00 00 00 00 00  ......I.2.......
[  104.397366] sdiohal:chn8 tx denq old, cmdid=25, mstime=102962, record_time=102962
[  104.397373] chn8 tx denq old: 80 24 00 08 10 19 49 00 32 92 01 00 00 00 00 00  .$....I.2.......
[  104.397377] sdiohal:chn22 rx dispatch old, cmdid=25, mstime=102962, record_time=102967
[  104.397384] chn22 rx dispatch old: 3f 06 00 0a 00 19 0c 00 32 92 01 00 00 3e 00 00  ?.......2....>..
[  104.397388] sdiohal:chn8 tx push new, cmdid=10, mstime=102967, record_time=102967
[  104.397395] chn8 tx push new: 00 00 00 00 10 0a 5e 00 37 92 01 00 00 00 00 00  ......^.7.......
[  104.397398] sdiohal:chn8 tx denq new, cmdid=10, mstime=102967, record_time=102967
[  104.397405] chn8 tx denq new: 00 2f 00 08 10 0a 5e 00 37 92 01 00 00 00 00 00  ./....^.7.......
[  104.397409] sdiohal:chn22 rx dispatch new, cmdid=10, mstime=102967, record_time=102999
[  104.397416] chn22 rx dispatch new: 3f 06 00 0a 00 0a 0c 00 37 92 01 00 00 3f 00 00  ?.......7....?..
[  104.397421] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-110
[  104.402925] WCN: mdbg dump bt modem 0 ok!
[  104.402930] WCN_ERR: read HCI_ARM_WR_RD_MODE reg error:-1
[  104.408340] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.413664] WCN: mdbg dump bt_cmd buf 0 ok!
[  104.413669] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.418984] WCN: mdbg dump btevent buf 0 ok!
[  104.418989] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.424302] WCN: mdbg dump bt_lmp_tx_buf 0 ok!
[  104.424306] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.429619] WCN: mdbg dump bt_lmp_rx_buf 0 ok!
[  104.429624] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.434936] WCN: mdbg dump bt_acl_tx_buf0 ok!
[  104.434940] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.440252] WCN: mdbg dump bt_acl_rx_buf 0 ok!
[  104.440257] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.445569] WCN: mdbg dump bt_sco_tx_buf 0 ok!
[  104.445573] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.450885] WCN: mdbg dump bt_sco_rx_buf 0 ok!
[  104.450890] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.456202] WCN: mdbg dump bt_bb_tx_buf 0 ok!
[  104.456206] WCN_ERR: mdbg_dump_data dump memory error:-1
[  104.461518] WCN: mdbg dump bt_bb_rx_buf 0 ok!
[  104.505836] WCN: dumpmem_rx_callback
[  104.505841] WCN: dump str finish!
[  104.505842] WCN: mdbg dump memory finish
[  110.681881] WCN: stop_loopcheck
[  113.893472] sprdwl:sprdwl_tx_cmd err:-19
[  119.641929] sprdwl:[WIFI_CMD_DISCONNECT]timeout
[  119.646541] sprdwl:ctx_id:0 cmd: WIFI_CMD_DISCONNECT[13] rsp timeout (mstime = 113003), num=26
[  119.655261] sprdwl:sprdwl_atcmd_assert ctx_id:0, cmd_id:13, reason:3, cp_asserted:0
[  119.662995] WCN: mdbg_assert_interface:[CMD] WIFI_CMD_DISCONNECT, [REASON] CMD_RSP_TIMEOUT_ERROR
[  119.663005] sdiohal:carddump flag set[1]
[  119.663058] sdiohal:disable rx int for dump
[  119.663063] sdiohal:chn8 tx push old, cmdid=25, mstime=102962, record_time=102962
[  119.663071] chn8 tx push old: 00 00 00 00 10 19 49 00 32 92 01 00 00 00 00 00  ......I.2.......
[  119.663075] sdiohal:chn8 tx denq old, cmdid=25, mstime=102962, record_time=102962
[  119.663080] chn8 tx denq old: 80 24 00 08 10 19 49 00 32 92 01 00 00 00 00 00  .$....I.2.......
[  119.663083] sdiohal:chn22 rx dispatch old, cmdid=25, mstime=102962, record_time=102967
[  119.663088] chn22 rx dispatch old: 3f 06 00 0a 00 19 0c 00 32 92 01 00 00 3e 00 00  ?.......2....>..
[  119.663091] sdiohal:chn8 tx push new, cmdid=10, mstime=102967, record_time=102967
[  119.663097] chn8 tx push new: 00 00 00 00 10 0a 5e 00 37 92 01 00 00 00 00 00  ......^.7.......
[  119.663100] sdiohal:chn8 tx denq new, cmdid=10, mstime=102967, record_time=102967
[  119.663104] chn8 tx denq new: 00 2f 00 08 10 0a 5e 00 37 92 01 00 00 00 00 00  ./....^.7.......
[  119.663108] sdiohal:chn22 rx dispatch new, cmdid=10, mstime=102967, record_time=102999
[  119.663113] chn22 rx dispatch new: 3f 06 00 0a 00 0a 0c 00 37 92 01 00 00 3f 00 00  ?.......7....?..
[  119.663117] WCN_ERR: Not dump again!
[  119.705851] ------------[ cut here ]------------
[  119.705867] NETDEV WATCHDOG: wlan0 (unisoc_wifi): transmit queue 0 timed out
[  119.705936] WARNING: CPU: 2 PID: 0 at net/sched/sch_generic.c:478 dev_watchdog+0x374/0x380
[  119.705954] Modules linked in: algif_hash algif_skcipher af_alg bnep hci_uart btqca btrtl btbcm btintel bluetooth ecdh_generic ecc sch_fq_codel sunxi_cir snd_soc_simple_card sunxi_cedrus(C) snd_soc_simple_car
d_utils rc_core sun9i_hdmi_audio videobuf2_dma_contig v4l2_mem2mem sun4i_i2s snd_soc_hdmi_codec videobuf2_memops videobuf2_v4l2 videobuf2_common videodev dump_reg mc cpufreq_dt sunrpc sprdwl_ng sunxi_addr cfg802
11 sprdbt_tty uwe5622_bsp_sdio rfkill ramoops pstore_blk reed_solomon fuse pstore_zone motorcomm dw_hdmi_i2s_audio dw_hdmi_cec dwmac_sun8i mdio_mux pwm_sun4i i2c_mv64xxx panfrost gpu_sched display_connector
[  119.706069] CPU: 2 PID: 0 Comm: swapper/2 Tainted: G         C        5.15.93-sunxi64 #23.02.2
[  119.706075] Hardware name: OrangePi 3 LTS (DT)
[  119.706079] pstate: 80000005 (Nzcv daif -PAN -UAO -TCO -DIT -SSBS BTYPE=--)
[  119.706085] pc : dev_watchdog+0x374/0x380
[  119.706091] lr : dev_watchdog+0x374/0x380
[  119.706096] sp : ffff80000953bdb0
[  119.706098] x29: ffff80000953bdb0 x28: 0000000000000004 x27: 0000000000000140
[  119.706107] x26: 00000000ffffffff x25: 0000000000000002 x24: 0000000000000000
[  119.706115] x23: 0000000000000001 x22: ffff0000060dc000 x21: ffff0000060dc480
[  119.706123] x20: ffff8000093c6000 x19: 0000000000000000 x18: 0000000000000000
[  119.706131] x17: ffff8000769a5000 x16: ffff80000953c000 x15: 0000000000000390
[  119.706139] x14: ffff80000953bac0 x13: 00000000ffffffea x12: ffff00007fb600e8
[  119.706147] x11: 0000000000000003 x10: ffff00007fb5a0a8 x9 : ffff00007fb5a100
[  119.706155] x8 : 0000000000005fe8 x7 : c0000000fffffbff x6 : ffff00007fb90890
[  119.706163] x5 : ffff00007fb90890 x4 : 0000000000000000 x3 : 0000000000000000
[  119.706171] x2 : 0000000000000040 x1 : dda107609d9b6100 x0 : 0000000000000000
[  119.706180] Call trace:
[  119.706184]  dev_watchdog+0x374/0x380
[  119.706189]  call_timer_fn.isra.38+0x24/0x80
[  119.706198]  run_timer_softirq+0x4b0/0x540
[  119.706203]  _stext+0x11c/0x274
[  119.706208]  irq_exit+0xb4/0xe8
[  119.706214]  handle_domain_irq+0x64/0x90
[  119.706222]  gic_handle_irq+0x6c/0xa0
[  119.706228]  call_on_irq_stack+0x28/0x50
[  119.706233]  do_interrupt_handler+0x58/0x68
[  119.706239]  el1_interrupt+0x30/0x48
[  119.706244]  el1h_64_irq_handler+0x18/0x28
[  119.706249]  el1h_64_irq+0x74/0x78
[  119.706253]  arch_cpu_idle+0x18/0x28
[  119.706258]  default_idle_call+0x24/0x5c
[  119.706264]  do_idle+0x1fc/0x270
[  119.706271]  cpu_startup_entry+0x24/0x58
[  119.706276]  secondary_start_kernel+0x16c/0x180
[  119.706283]  __secondary_switched+0x90/0x94
[  119.706289] ---[ end trace 598e062ff7c22995 ]---


I am going back to the Armbian_23.02.2_Orangepi3-lts_bullseye_current_5.15.93_minimal.img image and the Wi-Fi works successfully.


Edited by gustavorv86


I just tried to install armbian on my orangepi3-lts. Unfortunately like you, wifi is not working with the provided kernel (6.2 nor 6.1.11-sunxi64). I tried to debug the problem and I found that:

- kernel v6 doesn't have the uwe5622 driver enabled/compiled.

- kernel 5.15.93-sunxi64 has uwe5622 driver compiled but the firmware provided by armbian (v 23.02.2) has a bugged "uwe5622/wcnmodem.bin" firmware. When I replaced this firmware with the one provided by the debian orangepi version it works very well.


I tried to compile a custom kernel following the armbian tutorial but with "./compile.sh BOARD=orangepi3-lts BRANCH=edge  RELEASE=bookworm kernel" it compiles the kernel without the uwe5622 driver!

I still don't understand how to force the patching of the kernel with the uwe5622 patch available for 6.4 kernels with the compile.sh script.. If someone has an idea, i'm interested in.


So to summerize: use the firmware provided by orangepi and use a kernel with uwe5622 driver available.


@Teetoow Looks like uwe5622 is disabled in the current and edge kernel config

$ grep CONFIG_SPARD_WLAN_SUPPORT config/kernel/linux-sunxi64-*              
config/kernel/linux-sunxi64-current.config:# CONFIG_SPARD_WLAN_SUPPORT is not set
config/kernel/linux-sunxi64-edge.config:# CONFIG_SPARD_WLAN_SUPPORT is not set



you can run the following to try enable the same and then compile the kernel

./compile.sh BOARD=orangepi3-lts BRANCH=edge  RELEASE=bookworm kernel-config


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