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Hi all,


I am trying to recover after a failed NVMe install.  I have a working install on an SDCard, but I think my board no longer boots to SDCard, since I flashed the bootloader via armbian-install.


I am not sure if my NVMe install is good or not, and I can't currently reflash it.


So I think my best bet is to wipe the SPI, which I hope means the board will go back to booting from SDCard.


That's question 1 - is that actually a valid solution?  If I wipe the SPI will I be able to again boot to SDCard?


I am able to get the board into Maskrom mode, and I can see it using the Windows tool.  However, I believe that I need a "loader image" that I "download" into the tool before I can wipe the bootloader.


The Rock5 SPI wipe guide posted elsewhere in this forum refers to rk3588_spl_loader_v1.08.111.bin, which I don't have, and I'm not sure that's the right loader for the OPi5.


That's question 2 - is there a loader for the OPi5 and/or can the Rock5 loader be used here?


The OPi5 Manual is very sparse about Maskrom info, it says how to get into that mode, but only gives instructions for flashing the board to Android.  The Android download is not working right now (Google Drive quota) so I am not able to get that package, in case it happens to have a suitable loader image.


Thanks for any replies in advance.


Update:  I was able to borrow an NVMe enclosure, I flashed the SSD with a fresh image on a different computer, and my board booted it just fine.


I am still interested in knowing if zero'ing the SPI is a valid way to go back to SDCard booting.


Thanks again for your help.


What if in the bootloader there could be an option to set the boot order, like in BIOS/uefi?


Eg. 1St option is SSD

2nd is SD card (in case of 1St option fails)

And so on


Do you think this is this possible?


Recover OrangePi 5 Plus


Press and hold the MASKROM button, then plug in USB power and release the MASKROM button

Open a terminal in Linux and install "rkdeveloptool"
*Note, I saved all the files in that URL to /home/$USER/opi5plus then "cd opi5plus" | use "sudo rkdeveloptool ld" to see if your device can be seen (plug in USB cable from PC to the USB-C connector opposite the power).

opi5plus$ sudo rkdeveloptool db MiniLoaderAll.bin
Downloading bootloader succeeded.

opi5plus$ sudo rkdeveloptool ul MiniLoaderAll.bin
Upgrading loader succeeded.

opi5plus$ sudo rkdeveloptool td
Test Device OK.

opi5plus$ sudo rkdeveloptool rd
Reset Device OK.

Make sure you have a freshly baked SD card installed with your Linux flavor of choice then power off, install the SD card and boot up!

Posted (edited)



Good post,

but i have a question that I have orange pi 5 Pro  not plus. Are those file are same for all or difference for op 5 pro? It gives only red led on. Not booting.  You may please contact  on paulkkl0@gmail.com. 

Thanks in advance





Edited by Paulkkl

How can you tell when you've actually entered maskrom mode?  Does the redlight blink or anything.  I have one that is flashed the spi on with the command line configuration tool, not rkdevelop.  It's a brick until I figure out how to get it to maskrom mode.


@drewcephus hold down the maskrom button, plug in the power, then plug in the data cable to your computer. I am running the cli tool so it is 

rkdeveloptool ld
DevNo=1	Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x350b,LocationID=201	Maskrom

The light doesn't blink or anything but itll show up as a device there (and when plugged in to the machine initially even)

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