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Latest nightly build breaks h264 decoding


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I just installed the most recent nightly image - this one looks like a major update but it broke armbian on my opi 5

1. I had to re-install the mali firmware to get x11/wayland to start - not sure why the update deleted the file

2. I had to re-install the mali-g610-firmware rockchip-multimedia-config packages

3. VLC cannot start the h264 decoder anymore

[0000005583627590] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland anyway.
[00000055836b79e0] main playlist: playlist is empty
[h264_rkmpp @ 0x7f4cc37630] Failed to initialize MPP context (code = -1).
[h264_rkmpp @ 0x7f4cc37630] Failed to initialize RKMPP decoder.
[0000007f4cc18690] avcodec decoder error: cannot start codec (h264_rkmpp)
[0000007f4cc18690] main decoder error: Codec `h264' (H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10)) is not supported.
[00000055836e1790] main audio output error: too low audio sample frequency (0)
[0000007f4cc18690] main decoder error: failed to create audio output
[00000055836e1790] vlcpulse audio output error: digital pass-through stream connection failure: Not supported
[00000055836e1790] main audio output error: module not functional
[0000007f4cc18690] main decoder error: failed to create audio output
QObject::~QObject: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread

Any suggestions to fix the video decoding?

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Figured it out - the permissions/groups changed somehow. Also the update brings its own udev - the udev rules is not necessary anymore. Neither is the device creation... That's a solid release!


sudo usermod -a -G video <username> - fixed the h264 mpp service
sudo usermod -a -G netdev <username> - prevents popup for wifi
sudo usermod -a -G bluetooth <username> 


Edited by OttawaHacker
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