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entable CAN bus


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@Antillanca you can check out this thread:

Or continue reading here, i'll explain it.
You need to change a few parameters in the boot environment:
sudo armbian-config -> System -> Bootenv
or you can edit the /boot/armbianEnv.txt directly.

Once you are there you need to change the overlay_prefix to:


Then you need to find the names of overlays, you can get them by running the following in your terminal:

ls -l /boot/dtb/rockchip/overlay

Scroll down and you will see:

So if you want CAN bus and i2c then your Bootenv overlays should look like this:

overlays=can1-m1 can2-m1 i2c1-m2 i2c1-m4 i2c3-m0 i2c5-m3

Restart your OPi5 for changes to take effect.

If you need wiringPI:


you can currently get it from: https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/wiringOP/tree/next
(master still doesn't have support for OPi5, next branch does hence why the link to "next")
ReadME doesn't have "gpio read all" for OPi5 so here you go:

I have not personally tried CAN bus but it should work, I have tested i2c-1 and it works properly.

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I've been using CAN on mine for a while, it's pretty solid. Though I made my own overlay (I'm still running a testing image which doesn't seem to have come with the can overlays)


For the can1-m1 pins:


/ {
        fragment@0 {
                target = <&can1>;

                __overlay__ {
                        status = "okay";
                        pinctrl-0 = <&can1m1_pins>;
                        assigned-clock-rates = <0x1dcd6500>;


(note I increased the clockrate to 500MHz there, the default is 200MHz. Dunno if there's any harm, but I've been running like that for a few months without issue)

Edited by terranx
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CAN won't show up in /dev. You'll need to lookup how to setup socketcan stuff. But if you're seeing those dmesg messages, the actual bus is enabled. Annoyingly it does flood dmesg with those messages







Edited by terranx
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