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Posted (edited)

After updating my Orange Pi 5 I no longer can use the "opi5-i2c5-m3" overlay in /boot/armbianEnv.txt to activate and use i2c.

Seems the file (or any ohter "opi5-i2c*") is gone from /boot/dtb folder.

#uname -a 
Linux 5.10.110-rockchip-rk3588 #1 SMP Sun Apr 2 14:30:48 UTC 2023 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux


Is there a new or different procedure to activate i2c? Do I need to install a separate package for it? Or build the entire OS?

Anyone else having the same issue?


It does detect some i2c devices(0,10,2,6,7,9), but they don't seem to be related to the GPIO headers, prevoiusly I could also use (1,3,5).

# ls -l /dev/i2c-
i2c-0   i2c-10  i2c-2   i2c-6   i2c-7   i2c-9  


I would like to use physical pins 3 and 5 - these were until now working fine.

Edited by martivo
Posted (edited)

@Efe ÇetinThank You for pointing me to the right direction!


What was simple was to restore the boot/dtb/rockchip/overlay/rockchip-rk3588-opi5-i2c5-m3.dtbo file from backup and reboot....now it works again.


Having to rumble through a 3.8Gb git repo to get some dts files from it just to get I2C working is really ugly solution in my personal oppinion.

I am a bit puzzled about this - it is a basic functionality of Orange Pi 5 SBC and I understand Armbian tries to support these SBCs. Also Armbian provides SBC specific images.

Is there a reason these dts files can't be at least packaged into Armbian OPI5 image that are related to OPI5?

So it would be easy to call the "armbian-add-overlay" command at least? Is it some licencing issue?


I did manage to find it in this folder in the git repo after some digging  https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/linux-orangepi/tree/orange-pi-5.10-rk3588/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/overlay 

rk3588-i2c5-m3.dts - no idea if it's even the file I need.

I assume during next update the overlay will break again since I just restored the file...I guess I will give it a shot once it breaks again in the hopes to fix it permanently.




Edited by martivo
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/orangepi-xunlong/linux-orangepi/orange-pi-5.10-rk3588/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/overlay/rk3588-i2c5-m3.dts -O rk3588-i2c5-m3.dts
armbian-add-overlay rk3588-i2c5-m3.dts


So this is how you can make the fix permanently.

If you use different Kernel or arch then it might be a bit different location in the github repo.

# uname -a
Linux opi 5.10.160-rockchip-rk3588 #1 SMP Fri May 26 08:01:48 UTC 2023 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux


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