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I have recently taken on the somewhat challenging task of creating a power monitoring system similar to an IoTaWatt. I have been doing research on the topic and have concluded that a RISC V Mango Pi Pink V1.4 would be a viable board to get the job done. However I still need some assistance from people with more knowledge than me on the topic.
I have several questions that i would greatly appreciate if answered.
Is the RISC V Mango Pi Pink V1.4 capable of running Armbian with processing power to spare?
Is the RISC V Mango Pi Pink V1.4 a powerful enough computer to take several inputs and graph them?
Does anyone have any tips on how you would go about making a system similar to IoTaWatt?

Can anyone explain what is really being said on the git hub? I have never used it and have on idea what is what.

IoTaWatt Homepage - https://iotawatt.com/

IoTaWatt Github - https://github.com/boblemaire/IoTaWatt



Thank you to anyone who can help. :)

Edited by JackOfAllTrades
Wrote the wrong thing first time

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