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Arris vip6102w

Max Safronov

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Hi guys. I'm just wondering if I can install Linux on it. STB in DEVELOPER mode, I can connect ADB and I see some stuff here:


vip6102w:/ $ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root             1.9G  917M  1.0G  47% /
tmpfs                 822M  492K  821M   1% /dev
tmpfs                 822M  112K  822M   1% /mnt
/dev/block/dm-1       488M   77M  401M  17% /vendor
/dev/block/mmcblk1p22 8.8G  1.4G  7.2G  17% /data
/dev/block/mmcblk1p8  0.9M   34K  970K   4% /dev/hwcfg
/dev/block/mmcblk1p15 5.6M  120K  5.2M   3% /cache
/data/media           8.8G  1.4G  7.2G  17% /storage/emulated


vip6102w:/ $ uname -a
Linux localhost 4.9.208-1-6pre #1 SMP Fri Aug 28 15:30:05 PDT 2020 armv7l


127|vip6102w:/ $ sudo
/system/bin/sh: sudo: not found


vip6102w:/ $ ls
ls: ./init: Permission denied
ls: ./metadata: Permission denied
ls: ./postinstall: Permission denied
acct       d            init.environ.rc           init.usb.configfs.rc oem     storage
bin        data         init.rc                   init.usb.rc          proc    sys
bugreports default.prop init.recovery.block.rc    init.zygote32.rc     product system
cache      dev          init.recovery.usb.rc      lost+found           res     ueventd.rc
charger    eio          init.recovery.vip6102w.rc mnt                  sbin    vendor
config     etc          init.recovery.wificfg.rc  odm                  sdcard  verity_key


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