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Can't boot MULTITOOL on OTT MXQ 4K (not Pro) RK3229 box

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Hi, as I posted some time ago I can't boot multitool on this box using SD card.

I just tested both LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-10.0-nightly-20230925-65bd849-rk322x.img and LibreELEC-RK322X.arm-11.0-nightly-20240218-d7324fb-rk322x.img and they both seem to work fine except that 10.0 doesnt support wifi chip.

I wanted to try (again) to install to internal or install ARMBIAN using multitool but it doesnt boot at all (screen is blank, cant remember if I have to do something else) yet LibreElec images boot fine. Am I missing something? I thought that multitool boot was "fixed" on my device.
What can I do to boot multitool on this box, or help to diagnose what is the problem so it gets fixed?

Blue LED is on, Ethernet port shows activity, but box stays blank, no display.

Edited by ochentay4

Hello, which one is your device? And no, MXQ 4K market name does not help at all, you have to open the tvbox and look for the name printed on the board PCB.


What you can do to is:

* downloaded and try the latest multitool

* take photos of the board (both sides)

* provide the output of the serial log for the failing condition




I perfectly remember the change @ilmich did on libreelec to fix your use case, but I applied to same fix to multitool and it didn't work, so without logs it is impossibile for me to guess what is the problem with multitool and your board.


Nope, they are not useful. To identify the issue I need the serial logs from the board UART when you boot multitool to understand the reason why it does not proceed.


Did you try to burn a second multitool on a USB stick, plug both the sdcard with multitool and USB stick with multitool and see if it boots?


hmm, this is the commit that should have included the fix, but I made a quick diff and I could not find trace of the fix in the compiled u-boot dtb, so perhaps the fix didn't apply at all. Need to check better when I have more time, I hope I have the still the patch around.


Hello, I had a feedback from @ilmich and now I'm back with a couple of device trees you can test on the multitool and see if they change something.


I'm not sure they will fix your issue, because it may be necessary to recompile u-boot too and that would cost me a bit more time to setup the whole thing, but in the meantime you can try these two dtbs overwriting rk322x-box.dtb in extlinux folder of the multitool.


Try both of them and tell me if any (or both) do have any effect



rk322x-box.dtb.2 rk322x-box.dtb.1


Hi guys!

I'm just trying to solve my problem with two different rk3229 boards not booting Armbian and came across your post.

My situation is a little bit better :-), because I can boot Multitool and latest LibreELEC (although without wifi). However none of the Armbian images from the first post (even the oldest one with the same kernel as Multitool) could be booted. The symptoms are very identical... no signal on HDMI.

Am I wrong to expect that if Multitool boots then also the same generation of Armbian should?
Are such problems common?
Is it possible to somehow combine Multitool's boot part with the root file system part of Armbian?
Is there anything else besides burning an SD card, put it in the right place and connect the box to the power, that can be done to overcome the problem?

I really don't have much experience hacking these small computers, so any suggestion how to troubleshoot the current behavior would be appreciated.



@mocarela this is the reference thread for rk322x


Your board probably is a r29, r2b or h20 of some sort. Once installed, you have to login, run rk322x-config and select led-conf7 when appropriate. Reboot and you should get HDMI.


Well... have been under influence of Amlogic and possibility to boot and run directly from SD. I still don't understand... in general should it be possible to boot and run Armbian directly from SD also on RK322x and it's just my particular case that it isn't? Because the statement "Despite the procedure above is simple and reliable, I always recommend to first test that your device boots Armbian images from SD Card." from the first post makes me think so.

I finally decided to flash it immediately to internal storage and all my problems are gone.




@mocarela Yes, it is possible to boot from sdcard, but you need first to:

  • erase the eMMC, so the SoC will attempt to boot from sdcard, or
  • install armbian on the eMMC, whose bootloader gives priority to sdcard, then USB, then eMMC

Also Rockchip SoCs always attempt to boot from eMMC, if they find a valid bootloader.



I'm still confused... why is it possible then booting Multitool and LibreELEC directly from SD without erasing eMMC?

And why would one try to boot and run it from SD if eMMC needs to be erased before?

Nevertheless, I'm proceeding further. With legacy kernel everything is perfect. Moving upward I got stuck with 5.x kernel panic. Probably because of wifi driver. Will try your suggestion from 


However, will stop posting here. It already looks like I'm hijacking the thread. Sorry. 🙂

3 hours ago, mocarela said:

I'm still confused... why is it possible then booting Multitool and LibreELEC directly from SD without erasing eMMC?

because the android stock bootloader allows to boot from sdcard if you package the bootloader on sdcard using the rockchip proprietary tools.

The android stock bootloader is loaded first (because it is on emmc), but then it check for specific bits on sdcard; if found, it passes control to the sdcard


Multitool and libreelec image bootloaders are made with proprietary tools, instead armbian uses a bootloader made with opensource u-boot tools and thus is not recognized as a boot device from stock bootloader. Mainline u-boot supports dtb overlays, USB and PXE boot - in addition to other basic features - that are not supported in stock android bootloader.


3 hours ago, mocarela said:

And why would one try to boot and run it from SD if eMMC needs to be erased before?

To test the image before burning it on eMMC: if you burn an image that does not boot, you may soft-brick your board and then it would be required to short eMMC clock pin to enter maskrom mode and clean the eMMC flash to restore functionality.


3 hours ago, mocarela said:

Nevertheless, I'm proceeding further. With legacy kernel everything is perfect. Moving upward I got stuck with 5.x kernel panic. Probably because of wifi driver. Will try your suggestion from 

If you have a R29, R2B or H20 board, led-conf7 overlay is essential to get stable operation.

Here is a post on how to activate it manually via multitool on eMMC or plugging the sdcard in your PC and editing the file (ignore the part on copying things around, they are now already in place).

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