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Hello, I am trying to make simple AP on my orange pi zero.

sudo nmcli c add type wifi ifname '*' con-name Hotspot autoconnect no ssid Hotspotssid
sudo nmcli connection modify Hotspot 802-11-wireless.mode ap 802-11-wireless.band bg ipv4.method shared
sudo nmcli connection modify Hotspot wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
sudo nmcli connection modify Hotspot wifi-sec.psk "lepassword"
sudo nmcli connection up Hotspot

But after "sudo nmcli connection up Hotspot" I am getting "Error: Connection activation failed.". 

Any idea please?



P.S. Connection to internal home wifi network works ok.


Somehow it started working - when I installed dnsmasq and set listen address do but when I want activate AP, I must stop dnsmasq first.

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