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Hi All,


I am trying to run Toxcore  tests on OrangPi Zero inorder to run a tox client on this board.

So far I tried clone git repositories of libsodium and opus. I did make and make install for both of them .I did not find any issues in installing them.

I built them on OrangePi itself. I did not pass any crosscompiler prefixes to ./configure command while building them.My doubt is ,are these libraries compiled with armgcc or normal gcc ?  I thougt whatever gcc is available on Orangepi is armgcc so I didnot pass any arguments to ./configure while building.


make process was simple and passed without any isseus for bot libsodium and opus.But when I try to compile toxcore lib Opus in not picked by configure of toxcore. So its not building any auto test examples for audio call.


Has anyone tried any tox installation on orange pi so far?

Someone Please help me in this regard, thanks in advance ,and excuse me for any typo errors




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