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Nanopc t6 down after tried to upgrade kernel 5.10.160-legacy-rk35xx to new 6.1 available in armbian-config

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Hello all 


I have broken my installation when I tried to install the kernel 6.1 my current kernel 5.10.160-legacy-rk35xx.


My nanopc t6 do not start. My installation is on EMMC and start on it.


Could you please help me to recover it ?


I have a backup file from OMV but I don't know how to push the backup to the EMMC?


other possibility I guess copy the boot folder backup to EMMC boot folder but I do not know if it is enough.


I really appreciate an help furthermore  a clear turial could help evryone to recover an installation on EMMC memory.


Thanks in advance  for your support. 


I also had such a problem some time ago. I don't know how much experience you have with linux.
Probably missing the /boot stuff.
You can try the following, but it's a bit risky.
You make an mmc card with arbian and kernel 6.1.XX. and you start nanopc from it. After it loads.
You put in a USB to SD card adapter.
In the new memory card, after loading the OS, create an OMV folder, in it /OMV/boot and /OMV/os/
in it you create /OMV/boot and /OMV/os/
rsync -va /boot/ /OMV/boot/
mv /OMV/os/lib/modules/6.1.43-vendor-rk35xx /OMV/os/lib/modules/6.1.43-vendor-rk35xx_old
rsync -va /lib/modules/6.1.43-vendor-rk35xx /OMV/os/lib/modules/

After that, umount /OMV/boot and /OMV/os/, put the OMV card in the nanopc and if you're lucky, it might start.

I hope I was helpful and good luck


Hello Fever_wits


Thanks you for your answer. 


I tried to reinstall an Armbian image with SD but the device never boot.

when I use an official image all working well. 


Could you help me to recover the the possibility to install armbian image ?


Thanks in advance for your support.


I have reinstall the device and the docker.


However, I need to install the firmware 5.10.160. Indeed the nanopc-t6 don ot star with any image with firmware 6.1.43 or 6.8.9.


I do not understand why ?. Apprently I understand that you are able to install the version 6.1.43 without issue. 


Could you please explain me the procedure you have used ?


Thanks in advance for your  support.


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