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I have certain problem when using ssh on my Orange Pi zero. When I am connected through on-board wifi module the ssh panel have a lot of lag when I am writting commands. However I am not experiencing the same problem when I am connecting through ethernet. I can't understand if that's a case of bad connection as I have the same behaviour even if I put my pi next to my router. I know that the on-board wifi module is not the best but it seems that its unusable. Anyone has any relative problem? Is there any solution or its just hardware based and I need an external wifi dongle?


Was the same problem on 3.xx kernel. after upgrade to 4.9.4 - wifi runs a little bit faster and smoother. except one thing - now it freezes for  5 seconds exactly every minute.




I have found solution for lagging ssh which work for me. It was tested only on the latest available realsese Nightly 4.10.1 (https://www.armbian.com/donate/?f=https://dl.armbian.com/orangepizero/Ubuntu_xenial_dev_nightly.7z). The procedure is following.

1. Set your wifi connection with network manager (nmtui-connect).


2. Add following to the rc.local

GATEWAY=`route -n | grep "^" | tr -s " " | cut -f2 -d" "`
ifconfig wlan0 down
ifconfig wlan0 up
route add default gw $GATEWAY wlan0


3. Change in rc.local 

#!/bin/sh -e




Make schure that NetworkManager-wait-online.service is enabled


systemctl unmask NetworkManager-wait-online.service





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